markdownref.txt 613 B

  1. Markdown
  2. # Start a heading with one hash
  3. ## Start a subheading with two hashes
  4. Paragraphs are separated by empty lines
  5. **Bold text** is wrapped in double asterisks
  6. _italic_ in underscores
  7. `monospace` in backticks
  8. [A link](
  9. ![An image](/avatar.jpeg)
  10. # Indented code blcok
  11. hello() { echo 'Hello'; }
  12. A list of items:
  13. - Each item is on its line
  14. - Lines start with '-'
  15. An ordered list:
  16. 1. The first item
  17. 1. The second item can start with `1.` too
  18. 1. Markdown handles the numbering for you
  19. Convert Markdown to HTML with Jekyll, lowdown, pandoc, or with the original