debianpkg.txt 3.2 KB

  1. # Debian 12 Bookworm GNU/Linux install
  2. <Enter> activates button
  3. <Space> select
  4. <Tab> move
  5. 0. Debian GNU/Linux BIOS Installer menu
  6. Install
  7. 1. Select a language: English
  8. 2. Select your location: India
  9. 3. Configure the keyboard: American English
  10. 4. Configure the network
  11. [Choose the primary network interface: wired network interface]
  12. Hostname: gusdt
  13. Domain name: [not required for home use]
  14. 5. Set up users and passwords
  15. root - the system administrative account Password: [root password]
  16. Re-enter password to verify: [root password]
  17. Full name for the new user: [First_name Last_name]
  18. Username for your account: [username]
  19. Choose a password for the new user: [user password]
  20. Re-enter password to verify: [user password]
  21. 6. Configure the clock: Select your time zone
  22. 7. Partition disks: Guided - use entire disk
  23. Select disk to partition: SCSI1 (0, 0, 0) (sda) - 500.1 GB
  24. Partitioning scheme: All files in one partition [single user]
  25. Seperate /home partition [multi user]
  26. Seperate /home, /var, and /tmp partitions [server]
  27. Overview of your currently configured partitions and mount points
  28. Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
  29. Write the changes to disks? <Yes>
  30. ---------- Installing the base system ----------
  31. 8. Configure the package manager:
  32. Debian archive mirror country: India
  33. Debian archive mirror:
  34. HTTP proxy information: (blank for none)
  35. ---------- Configuring apt ----------
  36. 9. Configuring popularity-contest: <No>
  37. 10. Software selection:
  38. x Standard system utilities
  39. ---------- Select and install software ----------
  40. 11. Finish the installation:
  41. Please choose <continue> to reboot.
  42. ---------- Installation is complete ----------
  43. [remove the installation media]
  44. login as $user
  45. su -
  46. apt-get install doas
  47. edit file /etc/doas.conf
  48. doas apt-get update
  49. doas apt-get upgrade
  50. doas apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
  51. doas apt-get install git
  52. git clone
  53. git clone
  54. git clone
  55. git clone
  56. doas apt-get install make gcc libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev xorg
  57. doas apt-get install unclutter
  58. doas apt-get install qutebrowser [run: adblock-update]
  59. doas apt-get install scrot
  60. doas apt-get install sxiv
  61. doas apt-get install build-essential
  62. doas apt-get install zathura
  63. doas apt-get install texlive-full
  64. doas apt-get install ffmpeg
  65. doas apt-get install mpv
  66. doas apt-get install vim
  67. doas apt-get install alsa-utils
  68. doas apt-get install w3m
  69. doas apt-get install pandoc
  70. doas apt-get install mpich
  71. doas apt-get install inxi
  72. doas apt-get install adb
  73. doas apt-get install pdftk
  74. doas apt-get install plocate
  75. doas apt-get install hwinfo
  76. doas apt-get install wordnet
  77. doas apt-get remove wordnet-gui
  78. Machine information:
  79. Hewlett-Packard setup utility: BIOS key [F10]
  80. Storage ----> Device configuration ----> Hard Disk [SATA0 500GB]
  81. File ----> Save Changes and Exit ----> <Yes>
  82. Advanced ----> Device Options:
  83. USB EHCI Port Debug: [Disabled] ====> [Enabled]
  84. USB3.0 BIOS Driver Support: [Disabled] ====> [Enabled]