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  511. <p class="names">By <a href="/community/users/jellingwood">Justin Ellingwood</a>, <a href="/community/users/bboucheron">Brian Boucheron</a>, and <a href="/community/users/hjet">Hanif Jetha</a></p>
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  513. <span class="meta-section timestamp"><span class="tutorial-date-text">Posted</span><span class="tutorial-date">July 25, 2019</span></span>
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  532. <h3 id="introduction">Introduction</h3>
  533. <p><a href="">MySQL</a> is a prominent open source database management system used to store and retrieve data for a wide variety of popular applications. MySQL is the <strong>M</strong> in the <em>LAMP</em> stack, a commonly used set of open source software that also includes Linux, the Apache web server, and the PHP programming language.</p>
  534. <p>In Debian 10, MariaDB, a community fork of the MySQL project, is packaged as the default MySQL variant. While MariaDB works well in most cases, if you need features found only in Oracle&rsquo;s MySQL, you can install and use packages from a repository maintained by the MySQL developers.</p>
  535. <p>To install the latest version of MySQL, we&rsquo;ll add this repository, install the MySQL software itself, secure the install, and finally we&rsquo;ll test that MySQL is running and responding to commands.</p>
  536. <h2 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h2>
  537. <p>Before starting this tutorial, you will need:</p>
  538. <ul>
  539. <li>One Debian 10 server set up by following <a href="">this initial server setup guide</a>, including a non-<strong>root</strong> user with <code>sudo</code> privileges and a firewall.</li>
  540. </ul>
  541. <h2 id="step-1-—-adding-the-mysql-software-repository">Step 1 — Adding the MySQL Software Repository</h2>
  542. <p>The MySQL developers provide a <code>.deb</code> package that handles configuring and installing the official MySQL software repositories. Once the repositories are set up, we&rsquo;ll be able to use Debian&rsquo;s standard <code>apt</code> command to install the software. </p>
  543. <p>Before we do this, we need to install the prerequisite <a href="">GnuPG</a> package, an open-source implementation of the <a href="">OpenPGP standard</a>.</p>
  544. <p>Let&rsquo;s begin by updating the local package index to reflect the latest upstream changes:</p>
  545. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo apt update
  546. </li></ul></code></pre>
  547. <p>Then, install the <code>gnupg</code> package:</p>
  548. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo apt install gnupg
  549. </li></ul></code></pre>
  550. <p>After confirming the installation, apt will install <code>gnupg</code> and its dependencies.</p>
  551. <p>Next, we’ll download the MySQL <code>.deb</code> package with <code>wget</code> and then install it using the <code>dpkg</code> command.</p>
  552. <p>Load <a href="">the MySQL download page</a> in your web browser. Find the <strong>Download</strong> button in the lower-right corner and click through to the next page. This page will prompt you to log in or sign up for an Oracle web account. We can skip that and instead look for the link that says <strong>No thanks, just start my download</strong>. Right-click the link and select <strong>Copy Link Address</strong> (this option may be worded differently, depending on your browser).</p>
  553. <p>Now we&rsquo;re going to download the file. On your server, move to a directory you can write to. Download the file using <code>wget</code>, remembering to paste the address you just copied in place of the highlighted portion below:</p>
  554. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">cd /tmp
  555. </li><li class="line" data-prefix="$">wget <span class="highlight"></span>
  556. </li></ul></code></pre>
  557. <p>The file should now be downloaded in our current directory. List the files to make sure:</p>
  558. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">ls
  559. </li></ul></code></pre>
  560. <p>You should see the filename listed:</p>
  561. <pre class="code-pre "><code><div class="secondary-code-label " title="Output">Output</div>mysql-apt-config_<span class="highlight">0.8.13-1</span>_all.deb
  562. . . .
  563. </code></pre>
  564. <p>Now we&rsquo;re ready to install:</p>
  565. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config*
  566. </li></ul></code></pre>
  567. <p><code>dpkg</code> is used to install, remove, and inspect <code>.deb</code> software packages. The <code>-i</code> flag indicates that we&rsquo;d like to install from the specified file.</p>
  568. <p>During the installation, you&rsquo;ll be presented with a configuration screen where you can specify which version of MySQL you&rsquo;d prefer, along with an option to install repositories for other MySQL-related tools. The defaults will add the repository information for the latest stable version of MySQL and nothing else. This is what we want, so use the down arrow to navigate to the <code>Ok</code> menu option and hit <code>ENTER</code>.</p>
  569. <p>The package will now finish adding the repository. Refresh your <code>apt</code> package cache to make the new software packages available:</p>
  570. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo apt update
  571. </li></ul></code></pre>
  572. <p>Now that we&rsquo;ve added the MySQL repositories, we&rsquo;re ready to install the actual MySQL server software. If you ever need to update the configuration of these repositories, just run <code>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-apt-config</code>, select new options, and then <code>sudo apt-get update</code> to refresh your package cache.</p>
  573. <h2 id="step-2-—-installing-mysql">Step 2 — Installing MySQL</h2>
  574. <p>Having added the repository and with our package cache freshly updated, we can now use <code>apt</code> to install the latest MySQL server package:</p>
  575. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo apt install mysql-server
  576. </li></ul></code></pre>
  577. <p><code>apt</code> will look at all available <code>mysql-server</code> packages and determine that the MySQL provided package is the newest and best candidate. It will then calculate package dependencies and ask you to approve the installation. Type <code>y</code> then <code>ENTER</code>. The software will install.</p>
  578. <p>You will be asked to set a <strong>root</strong> password during the configuration phase of the installation. Choose and confirm a secure password to continue. Next, a prompt will appear asking for you to select a default authentication plugin. Read the display to understand the choices. If you are not sure, choosing <strong>Use Strong Password Encryption</strong> is safer.</p>
  579. <p>MySQL should be installed and running now. Let&rsquo;s check using <code>systemctl</code>:</p>
  580. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">sudo systemctl status mysql
  581. </li></ul></code></pre><pre class="code-pre "><code>● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server
  582. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  583. Active: <span class="highlight">active (running)</span> since Thu 2019-07-25 17:20:12 UTC; 3s ago
  584. Docs: man:mysqld(8)
  586. Process: 2673 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/mysql-8.0/mysql-systemd-start pre (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  587. Main PID: 2709 (mysqld)
  588. Status: "Server is operational"
  589. Tasks: 39 (limit: 4915)
  590. Memory: 378.4M
  591. CGroup: /system.slice/mysql.service
  592. └─2709 /usr/sbin/mysqld
  593. Jul 25 17:20:10 sammy systemd[1]: Starting MySQL Community Server...
  594. Jul 25 17:20:12 sammy systemd[1]: Started MySQL Community Server.
  595. </code></pre>
  596. <p>The <code>Active: active (running)</code> line means MySQL is installed and running. Now we&rsquo;ll make the installation a little more secure.</p>
  597. <h2 id="step-3-—-securing-mysql">Step 3 — Securing MySQL</h2>
  598. <p>MySQL comes with a command we can use to perform a few security-related updates on our new install. Let&rsquo;s run it now:</p>
  599. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">mysql_secure_installation
  600. </li></ul></code></pre>
  601. <p>This will ask you for the MySQL <strong>root</strong> password that you set during installation. Type it in and press <code>ENTER</code>. Now we&rsquo;ll answer a series of yes or no prompts. Let&rsquo;s go through them:</p>
  602. <p>First, we are asked about the <strong>validate password plugin</strong>, a plugin that can automatically enforce certain password strength rules for your MySQL users. Enabling this is a decision you&rsquo;ll need to make based on your individual security needs. Type <code>y</code> and <code>ENTER</code> to enable it, or just hit <code>ENTER</code> to skip it. If enabled, you will also be prompted to choose a level from 0–2 for how strict the password validation will be. Choose a number and hit <code>ENTER</code> to continue.</p>
  603. <p>Next you&rsquo;ll be asked if you want to change the <strong>root</strong> password. Since we just created the password when we installed MySQL, we can safely skip this. Hit <code>ENTER</code> to continue without updating the password.</p>
  604. <p>The rest of the prompts can be answered <strong>yes</strong>. You will be asked about removing the <strong>anonymous</strong> MySQL user, disallowing remote <strong>root</strong> login, removing the <strong>test</strong> database, and reloading privilege tables to ensure the previous changes take effect properly. These are all a good idea. Type <code>y</code> and hit <code>ENTER</code> for each.</p>
  605. <p>The script will exit after all the prompts are answered. Now our MySQL installation is reasonably secured. Let&rsquo;s test it again by running a client that connects to the server and returns some information.</p>
  606. <h2 id="step-4-–-testing-mysql">Step 4 – Testing MySQL</h2>
  607. <p><code>mysqladmin</code> is a command line administrative client for MySQL. We&rsquo;ll use it to connect to the server and output some version and status information:</p>
  608. <pre class="code-pre command prefixed"><code><ul class="prefixed"><li class="line" data-prefix="$">mysqladmin -u root -p version
  609. </li></ul></code></pre>
  610. <p>The <code>-u root</code> portion tells <code>mysqladmin</code> to log in as the MySQL <strong>root</strong> user, <code>-p</code> instructs the client to ask for a password, and <code>version</code> is the actual command we want to run.</p>
  611. <p>The output will let us know what version of the MySQL server is running, its uptime, and some other status information:</p>
  612. <pre class="code-pre "><code><div class="secondary-code-label " title="Output">Output</div>mysqladmin Ver 8.0.17 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
  613. Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  614. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
  615. affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
  616. owners.
  617. Server version 8.0.17
  618. Protocol version 10
  619. Connection Localhost via UNIX socket
  620. UNIX socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  621. Uptime: 3 min 9 sec
  622. Threads: 2 Questions: 10 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 128 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 48 Queries per second avg: 0.052
  623. </code></pre>
  624. <p>This output confirms that you&rsquo;ve successfully installed and secured the latest MySQL server.</p>
  625. <h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2>
  626. <p>You&rsquo;ve now installed the latest stable version of MySQL, which should work for many popular applications.</p>
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  970. {"@context":"","@type":"Article","name":"How To Install the Latest MySQL on Debian 10","headline":"How To Install the Latest MySQL on Debian 10","alternativeHeadline":"How To Install the Latest MySQL on Debian 10","description":"MySQL is a prominent open source database management system used to store and retrieve data for a wide variety of popular applications. MySQL is the M in the LAMP stack, a commonly used set of open source software that also includes Linux, the...","keywords":"MySQL,Databases,Debian 10,DO-Writers","url":"","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"dateModified":"2020-09-12T10:47:38Z","inLanguage":"en","accessMode":"textual","accessModeSufficient":"textual","isAccessibleForFree":true,"license":"","publishingPrinciples":"","author":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Justin Ellingwood","@id":""},{"@type":"Person","name":"Brian Boucheron","@id":""},{"@type":"Person","name":"Hanif Jetha","@id":""}],"datePublished":"2019-07-25T18:47:34Z","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","height":375,"width":750},"interactionStatistic":[{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"","userInteractionCount":"127"},{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"","userInteractionCount":"1"}],"sourceOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"DigitalOcean Community","url":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"DigitalOcean","url":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":351,"height":60}},"comment":[{"comment":{"@context":"","@type":"Comment","text":"Hello, guys! I was following the steps and I got an error. Can someone help? Setting up mysql-community-server (8.0.18-1debian10) ... Failed to preset unit: File mysql.service: Link has been severed /usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper: error: systemctl preset failed on mysql.service: No such file or directory Failed to get unit file state for mysql.service: Link has been severed mysql.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it. Job for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See \"systemctl status mysql.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details. invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action \"start\" failed. ● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; bad; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2019-11-18 01:55:38 UTC; 10ms ago Docs: man:mysqld(8) Process: 2589 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/mysql-8.0/mysql-systemd-start pre (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 2624 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Main PID: 2624 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Status: \"Data Dictionary upgrade from MySQL 5.7 in progress\" Nov 18 01:55:37 debian10 systemd[1]: Starting MySQL Community Server... Nov 18 01:55:38 debian10 systemd[1]: mysql.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Nov 18 01:55:38 debian10 systemd[1]: mysql.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Nov 18 01:55:38 debian10 systemd[1]: Failed to start MySQL Community Server. dpkg: error processing package mysql-community-server (--configure): installed mysql-community-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server: mysql-server depends on mysql-community-server (= 8.0.18-1debian10); however: Package mysql-community-server is not configured yet. dpkg: error processing package mysql-server (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured Errors were encountered while processing: mysql-community-server mysql-server E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Luís Fernando"}}]}
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