123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import configparser
- import urllib.parse
- import requests
- import os.path
- import sqlite3
- import feedparser
- import argparse
- import hashlib
- import time
- from os import listdir
- from sys import argv
- from xml.dom import minidom
- from io import BytesIO
- from html.parser import HTMLParser
- from re import findall
- from sys import exit
- class Database:
- """Manage the database."""
- def __init__(self, database='gnusrss.db'):
- """
- Connect to the database.
- database -- string containig the filepath of the db
- (default: gnusrss.db)
- """
- self.connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
- def create_tables(self):
- """Create table and columns."""
- current = self.connection.cursor()
- current.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS items')
- current.execute('CREATE TABLE items(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,'
- 'feed TEXT, post TEXT, posted INTEGER, url '
- 'TEXT, lastbuild TIMESTAMP, guid TEXT)')
- def insert_data(self, param):
- """
- Insert all the article's information to the table.
- Keyword arguments:
- param -- list containing all the values
- """
- self.connection.execute('INSERT INTO items(feed, post, posted'
- ', url, lastbuild, guid) VALUES(?, ?,'
- '?, ?, ?, ?)', (param))
- self.connection.commit()
- def select(self, param):
- """
- Return a select.
- Keyword arguments:
- param -- string containing a sql select
- """
- current = self.connection.cursor()
- current.execute(param)
- rows = current.fetchall()
- return rows
- def close(self):
- """Close the database."""
- self.connection.close()
- class StupidParser(HTMLParser):
- """Just a HTML parser."""
- def __init__(self):
- try:
- HTMLParser.__init__(self, convert_charrefs=True)
- except:
- # python 3.2 support
- HTMLParser.__init__(self)
- self.data = []
- def handle_data(self, data):
- self.data.append(data)
- def return_value(self):
- return ''.join(self.data)
- class GNUsrss:
- def parse_feed(self, feed, post_format):
- """
- Request the feed, parse it and return requested values on a list
- of lists.
- Keyword arguments:
- feed -- string containing the url or the filepath of the feed
- post_format -- string containing RSS keywords surrounded by {}
- Comment:
- Here it's saved way more tags that aren't necessary. They're added just
- to add more metadata just because it's clearer when viewing the sqlite.
- """
- article = []
- xml = feedparser.parse(feed)
- entries_keys = list(xml.entries[0].keys())
- feed_keys = list(xml.feed.keys())
- # Very ugly way to test existence, but seems to be the only way
- if 'published' in entries_keys:
- lastbuild = xml.entries[0].published
- elif 'published' in feed_keys:
- lastbuild = xml.feed.published
- elif 'updated' in entries_keys:
- lastbuild = xml.entries[0].updated
- elif 'updated' in feed_keys:
- lastbuild = xml.feed.updated
- else:
- # Since the feed doesn't have a date, I'll create it
- lastbuild = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
- if 'link' in feed_keys:
- rss_link = xml.feed.link
- else:
- rss_link = 'http://' + xml.entries[0].link.split('/')[2]
- for item in xml['items']:
- values = {}
- for i in entries_keys:
- if i in post_format:
- values[i] = item[i]
- post = post_format.format(**values)
- # Stupid HTML code adding to complete the post to parse it
- post = '<html>' + post + '</html>'
- parser = StupidParser()
- parser.feed(post)
- post = parser.return_value()
- if 'guid' in entries_keys:
- guid = item['guid']
- else:
- # Since the feed doesn't have a guid, I'll create it
- guid = hashlib.sha1(post.encode()).hexdigest()
- article.append([rss_link, post, item['link'], lastbuild, guid])
- return article
- def post(self, article, gs_node, username, password, insecure):
- """
- Post the articles to GNU Social.
- Keyword arguments:
- article -- list containing a most of what is necessary on the insert
- gs_node -- string containing the url of the GNU Social node
- username -- string containing the user of GNU Social
- password -- string containing the password of GNU Social
- """
- msg = article[1].split()
- api = (gs_node + '/api/statuses/update.xml')
- # Check for twitter images and call post_image if required
- for word in msg:
- if 'pic.twitter.com/' in word:
- image = self.post_image(word, gs_node, username, password, insecure)
- if image is not None:
- index = msg.index(word)
- msg[index] = image
- else:
- pass
- msg = ' '.join(msg)
- post_data = {'status': msg, 'source': 'gnusrss'}
- if insecure == 'yes':
- req = requests.post(api, auth=(username, password), data=post_data,
- verify=False)
- else:
- req = requests.post(api, auth=(username, password), data=post_data)
- response = req.status_code
- return response
- def post_image(self, picture, gs_node, username, password, insecure):
- """
- Upload a picture to GNU Social hosting and return a string with the
- new url.
- Keyword arguments:
- picture -- string containing the twitter url of a picture
- gs_node -- string containing the url of the GNU Social node
- username -- string containing the user of GNU Social
- password -- string containing the password of GNU Social
- """
- pic = ""
- found = False
- api = gs_node + '/api/statusnet/media/upload'
- # If the picture doesn't exist or is not well written, show must go on
- try:
- html = urllib.request.urlopen('https://' + picture).read().decode(
- 'utf-8').splitlines()
- except:
- return picture
- # Search the hardcoded tag name of the picture
- for part in html:
- if picture in part:
- found = True
- if 'data-image-url' in part and found is True:
- pic = part.split('"')[1]
- break
- # If there's a video instead of a picture, just exit
- if not pic:
- return None
- req = requests.get(pic)
- pic = req.content
- img = {'media': ('useless.jpg', pic)}
- if insecure == 'yes':
- req = requests.post(api, auth=(username, password), verify=False,
- files=img)
- else:
- req = requests.post(api, auth=(username, password), files=img)
- buffer = req.content
- xmldoc = minidom.parseString(buffer)
- item = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('rsp')
- url = item.item(0).getElementsByTagName('mediaurl')[0].firstChild.data
- return url
- def compare(self, feeds):
- """
- Compare the picked feed to the saved on the database and return
- list of lists if new.
- Keyword argument:
- feeds -- list of lists containing all actual feeds on the RSS file
- """
- db = Database()
- old = db.select('select guid from items;')
- new_feed = []
- posted = []
- # make the list accesible
- for x in old:
- posted.append(x[0])
- for feed in feeds:
- if feed[4] not in posted:
- new_feed.append(feed)
- db.close()
- return new_feed
- def shortener(self, post):
- """
- Return a shortened url.
- Keyword argument:
- post -- string containing a url to be shortened
- """
- api = ('http://qttr.at/yourls-api.php?format=xml&action=shorturl'
- '&signature=b6afeec983&url=' + post)
- req = requests.post(api, auth=(username, password))
- buffer = req.content
- xmldoc = minidom.parseString(buffer)
- item = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('result')
- url = item.item(0).getElementsByTagName('shorturl')[0].firstChild.data
- return url
- def shorten_all(self, post):
- """
- Short all the urls from a notice.
- Keyword arguments:
- post - list containing all the data related to the post to GS
- """
- # Regex taken from stackoverflow, thanks guys
- # It doesn't identify pic.twitter.com url, which is good
- urls = findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&~#=+]|[!*\(\),]'
- '|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', post[1])
- separate = post[1].split(' ')
- # Clean shitty carriage return
- tmp = []
- for i in separate:
- i = i.replace('\n', ' ')
- tmp.append(i)
- separate = tmp
- for i in urls:
- shortened = self.shortener(i)
- position = separate.index(i)
- separate[position] = shortened
- post[1] = ' '.join(separate)
- return post
- class Config:
- def create(self, config_name):
- """
- Create config file.
- Keyword argument:
- config_name -- string containing the config's name to be created
- """
- print('Hi! Now we\'ll create de config file!')
- feed = input('Please introduce the feed\'s url: ')
- username = input('Please introduce your username '
- '(user@server.com): ')
- password = input('Please introduce your password: ')
- shorten = input('Do you need to shorten the urls that you '
- 'post? Please take in account \nthat you '
- 'should only use it if your node only has 140'
- ' characters. \nAnswer with "yes" or just press '
- 'enter if you don\'t want to use it: ')
- fallback_feed = input('Please introduce your feed\'s fallback'
- 'url. If you don\'t want or have one,\n'
- 'just press enter: ')
- print('Now we\'re going to fetch the feed. Please wait...')
- feed_file = feedparser.parse(feed)
- keys = list(feed_file.entries[0].keys())
- print('Done! The tags are: ')
- for tag in keys:
- print('\t' + tag)
- post_format = input('The XML has been parsed. Choose wich '
- 'format you want:\nPlease put the tags '
- 'inside the square brackets\nEx: {title}'
- ' - {link} by @{author}: ')
- insecure = input('Do you want to allow insecure connection to your GNU '
- 'social server?\nAnswer with "yes" or just press '
- 'enter if you don\'t want to use it: ')
- config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- config['feeds'] = {}
- config['feeds']['feed'] = feed
- config['feeds']['user'] = username
- config['feeds']['password'] = password
- config['feeds']['shorten'] = shorten
- config['feeds']['fallback_feed'] = fallback_feed
- config['feeds']['format'] = post_format
- config['feeds']['insecure'] = insecure
- with open(config_name + '.ini', 'w') as configfile:
- config.write(configfile)
- def get(self, name):
- """
- Parse config file and return it on a list.
- Keyword arguments:
- name -- string containing the config's name
- """
- config = []
- parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
- parser.read(name)
- for name, value in parser.items('feeds'):
- config.append(value)
- return config
- class ParseOptions():
- """Parse command line options of this program."""
- def __init__(self):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Post feeds to GNU '
- 'Social', prog='gnusrss')
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--create-config', metavar='file_name',
- dest='create_config', help='creates a config file')
- parser.add_argument('-C', '--create-db', dest='create_database',
- action='store_true', help='creates the database')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--post', metavar='config_file',
- dest='post', help='posts feeds')
- parser.add_argument('-P', '--post-all', dest='post_all',
- action='store_true', help='posts all feeds')
- parser.add_argument('-k', '--populate-database', metavar='file_name',
- dest='populate_database', help='fetch the RSS and'
- ' save it in the database')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', dest='version',
- action='store_true', help='show version in the '
- 'database')
- self.db = Database()
- self.gs = GNUsrss()
- self.cnf = Config()
- self.args = parser.parse_args()
- # Make all options accesible within self
- self.create_database = self.args.create_database
- self.create_config = self.args.create_config
- self.post = self.args.post
- self.post_all = self.args.post_all
- self.populate_database = self.args.populate_database
- self.version = self.args.version
- self.parser = parser
- def declare_config(self):
- """Assign all config parameters to a self object."""
- config = self.cnf.get(self.config_name)
- self.feed = config[0]
- self.user = config[1].split('@')[0]
- self.password = config[2]
- self.shorten = config[3]
- self.fallback_feed = config[4]
- self.format = config[5]
- # Always use SSL
- self.server = 'https://' + config[1].split('@')[1]
- # Test since in versions previous to 0.2.2 didn't exist
- try:
- self.insecure = config[6]
- except:
- self.insecure = ''
- def post_notice(self):
- """Post notice to GNU social."""
- file_name = self.config_name
- # If first feed and fallback feed aren't available, fail gracefully
- try:
- posts = self.gs.parse_feed(self.feed, self.format)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- if self.fallback_feed:
- posts = self.gs.parse_feed(self.fallback_feed, self.format)
- else:
- print('There\'s been a problem with ' + file_name + ' file.')
- return None
- posts = list(reversed(posts))
- new = self.gs.compare(posts)
- if new:
- # Post only the older item
- self.to_post = new[0]
- if self.shorten == 'yes':
- self.to_post = self.gs.shorten_all(self.to_post)
- if not self.populate_database:
- code = self.gs.post(self.to_post, self.server, self.user,
- self.password, self.insecure)
- self.save_in_database(code)
- def save_in_database(self, code):
- """
- Save posts in database
- Keyword arguments:
- code -- HTML code of the notice's post to GNU social
- """
- if self.create_config or self.populate_database or int(code) == \
- int(200):
- self.db.insert_data([self.to_post[0], self.to_post[1], 1,
- self.to_post[2], self.to_post[3],
- self.to_post[4]])
- elif code == 400:
- print('The notice couldn\'t be posted')
- def pointers(self):
- """This are the options of the program."""
- if self.version:
- print("v0.2.2.3")
- exit()
- if self.create_database:
- if os.path.exists('gnusrss.db'):
- overwrite = input('The database already exists. Are you '
- 'sure you want to overwrite it? (y/n) ')
- if overwrite == 'y':
- self.db.create_tables()
- else:
- self.db.create_tables()
- if not self.create_config and not self.populate_database and \
- not self.post and not self.post_all:
- self.db.close()
- if self.create_config:
- self.config_name = self.create_config + '.ini'
- self.cnf.create(self.create_config)
- populate = input('Do you want to populate the database? (y) Or you'
- ' prefer to post old items? (n) ')
- if populate == 'y':
- self.declare_config()
- posts = self.gs.parse_feed(self.feed, self.format)
- for post in posts:
- self.to_post = post
- self.save_in_database(0)
- self.db.close()
- elif self.post:
- self.config_name = self.post
- self.declare_config()
- self.post_notice()
- self.db.close()
- elif self.post_all:
- for config in listdir('.'):
- if config.endswith('.ini'):
- self.config_name = config
- self.declare_config()
- self.post_notice()
- self.db.close()
- elif self.populate_database:
- self.config_name = self.populate_database
- self.declare_config()
- posts = self.gs.parse_feed(self.feed, self.format)
- for post in posts:
- self.to_post = post
- self.save_in_database(0)
- self.db.close()
- elif len(argv) == 1:
- self.parser.print_help()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- options = ParseOptions()
- options.pointers()