predictions.txt 5.4 KB

  1. my predictions about the future:
  2. made in 10.2021:
  3. - With 95% probability there will be a huge disaster causing collapse of modern
  4. civilization in the next 20 years. The most likely scenarios are:
  5. - a powerful solar flare (CME) causing long Internet and electricity outage,
  6. worldwide panic and possibly things like a nuclear war out of confusion
  7. - collapse of the technological chain and economy which will shatter the
  8. highly interdependent nature of our civilization
  9. - third world war caused by fascists fearing migration, further fueled by
  10. dramatic climate change etc.
  11. - a deadly disease
  12. - a huge natural disaster such as volcano eruption or meteorite impact
  13. triggering collapse of economy, worldwide panic etc.
  14. - In the matter of years this will happen:
  15. - Extreme globalization, dissapearing of cultures, languages and religions,
  16. who will all become replaced by the American culture.
  17. - Europe will completely adopt the American model and culture, dropping all
  18. socialist efforts. In the Czech Republic and other countries healthcare and
  19. education will become privatized.
  20. - Extreme censorship will be established on the grounds of preventing "hate
  21. speech". AIs will monitor all speech, phone calls, mail, even talk at homes
  22. via microphones in electronic devices.
  23. - By inertia pseudo leftist group such as LGBT or feminists will switch the
  24. goal from social equality to social revenge. Straight white cis males will
  25. become an oppressed group, similarly to Jews during WWII.
  26. - Linux will be completely conqured by capitalists and made into unethical
  27. software aimed against people. In this it may likely replace Windows.
  28. - Wikipedia will be conquered by fascists, becoming highly censored, promoting
  29. one political view, commercialized etc.
  30. - Free software and free culture movements will practically die, they will be
  31. replaced by movements such as open source which itself will be nothing more
  32. than a brand, serving corporations and not the people.
  33. - With 100% probability capitalism will continue to grow and make life more and
  34. more miserable for 99.99% of people. This will come with:
  35. - Decline of morality to near zero, replacement of morality with law (there
  36. will no longer be a sense of right and wrong, only of legal and illegal).
  37. Empathy and altruism will be seen as stupidity and weakness.
  38. - Smothering of all socialist and altruistic ideologies.
  39. - In the matter of years intellectual property laws will get more and more
  40. strict and opposition will be defeated:
  41. - Free software will become illegal.
  42. - Free cultural works will become illegal.
  43. - End to end encryption will become illegal.
  44. - Perpetual copyright will be established despite it being unconstitutional
  45. in many countries.
  46. - More kinds of intellectual property rights will be established, e.g.
  47. rights to facts, rights to face appearance etc.
  48. - Computer capable of running independently and offline will be banned on the
  49. basis of "anti-terrorism". People will only own terminal devices to access
  50. corporate clouds, giving absolute technological power to corporations.
  51. - Complete prevail of rightism and eventually anarcho capitalism, the power of
  52. the states will diminish rapidly up to a complete de-facto rule of the
  53. strongest corporations. People will no longer be protected from untethical
  54. practices of corporations. This will lead to e.g.:
  55. - Working conditions equalling slavery. No more free time.
  56. - Health care only for the rich.
  57. - Crime protection only for the rich.
  58. - Disappearing of market competition, every field will become owned by a
  59. single monopoly corporation.
  60. - No welfare.
  61. - Extremely high prices put on by monopolies.
  62. - Life becoming extremely miserable for the poor who will be forced to
  63. breathe bad air, drink bad water and eat bad food.
  64. - Personal armies owned by corporations.
  65. - Extreme conflict everywhere, constant war-like mentality of fascist
  66. tribes tied to brands, corporations, nations etc.
  67. - Physical extermination of the weak: handicapped, homeless or just low
  68. productive people.
  69. - Slavery of people to pharmaceutical corporations who will deliberately
  70. and openly poison people and then offer them expensive life-long
  71. treatment. They may also develop viruses and then require collective
  72. payment for not releasing them.
  73. - Preventiong of progress, e.g. automation or electric cars.
  74. - Extreme advertisement equalling psychological torture. Unescapable
  75. commercials in the sky, in dreams, loud audio ads outside etc.
  76. - Complete loss of privacy justified by "security" and "anti-terrorism", every
  77. person will be required to have a spying device attached (e.g. as a chip
  78. under the skin or a "smart phone" that's mandatory to carry around).
  79. - New generation of politicians will appear: extremely powerful billionaires
  80. who no longer pretend they want good for the people. These will be e.g. CEOs
  81. of largest corporations who will be de facto controlling whole states and
  82. will no longer need to appeal to the people. They will only announce
  83. themselves becoming the dictators.
  84. - People will NOT rebel against the system, they will rather play along and
  85. try to achieve "success" withing this dystopia. The losers will get
  86. apathetic and just suffer their existence with the hope of quick death.