1.1 KB


To be a tiny/suckless platform to just mitigate the burdens of bare metal. E.g.:

  • Allow comfy loading and running of different programs.
  • Abstract HW.
  • Manage some basic resources like disk space etc.

Should run even on tiny systems with weak hardware.


NO, it complicates shit and is bullshit.


NO, every user can just have own directory and we don't need no complicated permission systems etc.


No windowing systems or anything. There is only a text mode and graphics mode (full screen).


Multitasking? probably NO

Multitasking is kind of needed for proper unix philosophy and the use of pipes, daemons etc., but it needs CPU support and complicates shit.

We could do some kind of "lesser" unix philosophy in which programs would run sequentially and each program would always put its whole input into a file that would go as an input for the next running program. This would need more memory but would be workable. Note that the files might not require a hardware file system, there could always be a special in-RAM file (something like clipboard).
