future_events.txt 1.9 KB

  1. 6.2021 Tianwen-1 Mars rover landing
  2. 10.2021 James Webb space telescope will launch and replace Hubble space telescope
  3. 26.10.2021 more JFK assasination documents declassification
  4. 24.11.2021 World Chess Championship
  5. 8.2022 Psyche mission, sending a spacecraft to Psyche asteroid (likely a planet core)
  6. 20.9.2022 Mars rover Rosalind Franklin (European/Russian) launch
  7. 2022 China's permanent space station launch (Chinese large modular space station)
  8. 9.2024 Japanese MMX program, landing a spacecraft on Phobos (Mars moon)
  9. 2024 Shukrayaan-1, exploring Venus atmosphere
  10. 2024 Artemis NASA program, latest date by which first woman and next man should land on Moon
  11. 2026 Musk's desired date for humans on Mars
  12. 13.4.2029 Apophis Asteroid (about 300m big) will fly very close to Earth (31600 km, closer than some satellites), will be visible
  13. 26.6.2029 biggest solar eclipse (almost 2 hours) in 21st century
  14. 2029 JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) arrival at Jupiter's moons, looking for life
  15. 2030 China's Long March 9 rocket should launch with the goal of putting humans to Moon
  16. 6.2031 DAVINCI Venus probe will enter the Venus atmosphere to explore it
  17. 2035 NASA's late date by which they want to send people to Mars
  18. 2036 Dragonfly (drone lander) landing on Titan
  19. 7.2.2036 NTP rollover
  20. 19.1.2038 end of Unix time (Y38 problem)
  21. 20.11.2038 GPS week rollover
  22. 2040 FDR's time capsule opening
  23. 30.4.2042 Nickelodeon time capsule opening (should contain a gameboy and other things)
  24. 1.1.2050 LOTR will enter the public domain
  25. 28.7.2061 Halley's Comet return
  26. 1963 General Dynamics time capsule opening, contains astronauts' predictions about this year