electronics cheatsheet.txt 5.5 KB

  1. Electronics: field studying the controlled flow of electrons using passive and
  2. active components.
  3. component types:
  4. - active: Can supply power, e.g. voltage/current sources, generators (pulse,
  5. DC, ...), transistors, diodes, ...
  6. - passive: Only receive power which they somehow transform, e.g. resistors,
  7. inductors, capacitors, transformers, ...
  8. current flow:
  9. By convention electricity "flows" from + to -, but in reality electrons move
  10. from - to +. Current can be:
  11. - direct (DC): Constant current in the same direction. DC is what we get e.g.
  12. from a battery.
  13. - alternating (AC): Current that changes with time and switches direction,
  14. normally as a sine function, due to constantly changing voltage. AC is what
  15. we get e.g. from electricity generators (rotating magnets that induce
  16. current, this current changes due to the rotation of the generator).
  17. circuit types:
  18. - short circuit: Circuit without significant load, i.e. one end of source
  19. connected directly to the other. This creates extreme current and great
  20. heat, burns the circuit in practice.
  21. - open circuit: Circuit with a "hole" (infinite resistance), current cannot
  22. flow.
  23. units:
  24. C (coulomb): charge which about 6.21 * 10^18 protons have (same amount of
  25. electrons have the same charge but negative)
  26. V (volt): J/C, unit of electric potential (or its difference), 1 V between
  27. two points in electric field means that moving 1 C between these points
  28. dissipates 1 J (joule) of energy
  29. A (ampere): current, charge per time, A = C/s
  30. Omega (ohm): V/A, resistance (attribute of resistor), 1 Omega is the
  31. resistance that makes 1 V produce 1 A or current
  32. F (farad): Q/V (charge to voltage), capacitance
  33. H (henry): inductance
  34. quantities:
  35. voltage (V): difference of electric potentials, measured in V
  36. current (I): measured in A
  37. resistance (R): measured in ohms, property of resistors
  38. capacitance (C): mesured in farads, property of capacitors
  39. inductance (L): measured in henrys, property of inductors, depends on geometry
  40. and material of the core
  41. laws:
  42. Ohm's law: I = V / R
  43. 1st Kirchhoff's law: Sum of current to/from a node is zero (currents flowing
  44. in are positive, currents flowing out are negative).
  45. 2nd Kirchhoff's law: The sum of voltage drops in a circuit is zero (voltage
  46. sources have positive voltage drops, resistors have negative).
  47. Thévenin's theorem: Any linear electrical network with two terminals that
  48. internally consists of only voltage/current sources and resistors can always
  49. be replaced by a Thévenin equivalent network consisting of one voltage
  50. source plus a resistor in series (i.e. any "abomination" of resistors and
  51. voltage sources can always be replaced just by one voltage source and
  52. resistor).
  53. components:
  54. voltage source: Active, ideally provides constant voltage (no matter
  55. the load resistance or current). In practice battery is used as voltage
  56. source, but battery is not ideal (may not provide constant voltage) and
  57. behaves like a voltage source with small resistor in series.
  58. current source: Active, ideally provides constant current (no matter the
  59. voltage accross it).
  60. resistor: Passive, provides resistance. There is a voltage drop on a resistor
  61. (can be computed from Ohm's law, knowing current I in the circuit and the
  62. resistor's resistance). Many components such as lightbulbs behave like a
  63. resistor. Used for: adjusting currents/voltages, terminating transmission
  64. lines etc.
  65. capacitor: Passive, stores electric energy in an electric field when voltage
  66. if applied to it, provides capacitance. It consists of two metallic plates
  67. in close proximity separated by dielectric medium: when a voltage is
  68. applied, charge accumulates on both plates (negative on one, positive on the
  69. other), when the voltage is taken away the accumulated voltage stays in the
  70. capacitator and will dissipate when the capacitator is connected in a
  71. circuit, until it discharges (it is for a short while like a mini-voltage
  72. source). No current will pass through capacitor but in the whole circuit a
  73. current will flow for a short while when chargin/discharging (thanks to the
  74. electric field). Capacitor can be used to block DC while letting AC pass
  75. through (from the point of view of DC capacitor is an open circuit) and also
  76. for other things like waveform generation, singal filtering,
  77. integration/differentiation etc. Amount of current in capacitor is
  78. proportional to the voltage change on it.
  79. inductor (coil, reactor, ...): Passive, stores electric energy in an electric
  80. field when current flows through it, provides inductance. It consists of a
  81. long wire wind around a dielectric core. When current flows through it,
  82. magnetic field is created, and changes to that field create voltage. It
  83. resists current changes and can be used to block AC while letting DC
  84. through, they're also used for filters etc. Amount of voltage on inductor is
  85. proportional to the current change on it.
  86. formulas:
  87. resistance:
  88. resistors in series: R = R1 + R2 + ...
  89. reistors in parallel: 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ...
  90. capacitance:
  91. capacitors in series: 1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + ...
  92. capacitors in parallel: C = C1 + C2 + ...
  93. inductance:
  94. hydraulic analogy:
  95. Model likening electronics to hydraulics, e.g.:
  96. - wire = pipe
  97. - C (coulomb) = amount of water
  98. - V = pressure
  99. - A = water flow, amount of water per second
  100. - resistor = thin pipe
  101. - capacitator = flexible membrane sealed in pipe
  102. - inductor = paddle wheel/turbine
  103. - battery = pump