TODO.txt 2.3 KB

  1. - add compile time option to change the method of computing some functions, e.g.
  2. sin/cos can just be computed by some approx. instead of LUT (can be good on
  3. fast platforms with low memory), or sqrt can be computed by binary search,
  4. however try to ensure the functions give exactly the same results!
  5. - the rand function function is kinda shitty, consider making a better one, but
  6. watch out for not breaking existing gaymes
  7. - Add signal (kill) handling?
  8. - Add "contain source code" feature that would include the game's own source
  9. code in the binary and possibly print it in console on demand?
  10. - Create a small web "IDE" using a C interpreter (e.g. picoc) compiled to JS
  11. via emscripten.
  13. - Create a script that merges multiple programs into one program with menu
  14. allowing to run any of these programs.
  15. - Possibly implement the interface in another language(s), it could then be
  16. possible to transpile from other languages to C (dynamic typing is a problem
  17. though). Check out:
  18. - ts2c: JS -> C
  19. - wax: nice tiny lang -> basically anything including C
  20. - cython: Python -> C
  21. - Test programs:
  22. - something akin oblivion face creation :)
  23. - pokémon-like walk simulator
  24. - Refactor all frontends.
  25. DONE:
  26. - chess colors: 9191aa, b6b6aa, 6ddaaa, da9155
  27. - multiple minigames in one (snake, mines, ...)
  28. - Port micro TD to this
  29. - Create a small 1bit logo and add it to the library.
  30. - Port to plain X11?
  31. - Add demo record feature to some frontends.
  32. - Add pause button to frontends.
  33. - Add joyhat support to pokitto
  34. - Add time slowdown option for PC.
  35. - SDL_PLAIN frontend
  36. - Port anarch to this.
  37. - Add fast version for common image drawing modes (i.e. no transform no scale
  38. should be faster than the general version).
  39. - Add screenshot taking key to SDL.
  40. - Add feature that measures the execution time of one loop step, for performance
  41. measurement.
  42. - Create a platform testing program.
  43. - Check/improve the random function (try to apply my custom randomness checking
  44. algorithm).
  45. - Remove SAF_randomize and leave that for an extension? It makes programs
  46. non-deterministic. Instead add SAF_seed.
  47. - Shift responsibility for save/load optimization from fontends to SAF, will be
  48. probably better
  49. - Make the demo replay also usable as a save/load feature (i.e. loading will
  50. replay all inputs to get you into the same position).