12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # Send an error message via the rsync-protocol to a non-daemon client rsync.
- #
- # Usage: deny-rsync "message"
- protocol_version=29
- exit_code=4 # same as a daemon that refuses an option
- # e.g. byte_escape 29 => \035
- function byte_escape {
- echo -ne "\\0$(printf "%o" $1)"
- }
- msg="$1"
- if [ "${#msg}" -gt 254 ]; then
- # truncate a message that is too long for this naive script to handle
- msg="${msg:0:251}..."
- fi
- msglen=$(( ${#msg} + 1 )) # add 1 for the newline we append below
- # Send protocol version. All numbers are LSB-first 4-byte ints.
- echo -ne "$(byte_escape $protocol_version)\\000\\000\\000"
- # Send a zero checksum seed.
- echo -ne "\\000\\000\\000\\000"
- # The following is equivalent to rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "%s\n", $msg).
- # 1. Message header: ((MPLEX_BASE + FERROR_XFER) << 24) + $msglen.
- echo -ne "$(byte_escape $msglen)\\000\\000\\010"
- # 2. The actual data.
- echo -E "$msg"
- # Make sure the client gets our message, not a write failure.
- sleep 1
- exit $exit_code