Qt5_CinematicExperience.qml 896 B

  1. import QtQuick 2.0
  2. import "content"
  3. Item {
  4. id: mainWindow
  5. width: 620
  6. height: 720
  7. QtObject {
  8. id: settings
  9. // These are used to scale fonts according to screen size
  10. property real _scaler: 400 + mainWindow.width * mainWindow.height * 0.00015
  11. property int fontXS: _scaler * 0.032
  12. property int fontS: _scaler * 0.040
  13. property int fontM: _scaler * 0.046
  14. property int fontMM: _scaler * 0.064
  15. property int fontL: _scaler * 0.100
  16. // Settings
  17. property bool showFogParticles: true
  18. property bool showShootingStarParticles: true
  19. property bool showLighting: true
  20. property bool showColors: false
  21. }
  22. MainView {
  23. id: mainView
  24. }
  25. InfoView {
  26. id: infoView
  27. }
  28. DetailsView {
  29. id: detailsView
  30. }
  31. MoviesModel {
  32. id: moviesModel
  33. }
  34. }