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- import QtQuick 2.0
- import "content"
- Item {
- id: mainWindow
- width: 620
- height: 720
- QtObject {
- id: settings
- // These are used to scale fonts according to screen size
- property real _scaler: 400 + mainWindow.width * mainWindow.height * 0.00015
- property int fontXS: _scaler * 0.032
- property int fontS: _scaler * 0.040
- property int fontM: _scaler * 0.046
- property int fontMM: _scaler * 0.064
- property int fontL: _scaler * 0.100
- // Settings
- property bool showFogParticles: true
- property bool showShootingStarParticles: true
- property bool showLighting: true
- property bool showColors: false
- }
- MainView {
- id: mainView
- }
- InfoView {
- id: infoView
- }
- DetailsView {
- id: detailsView
- }
- MoviesModel {
- id: moviesModel
- }
- }