123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359 |
- /*
- * newdemo.c - A demo program using PDCurses. The program illustrate
- * the use of colours for text output.
- *
- * $Id: newdemo.c,v 1.31 2008/08/03 20:19:38 tom Exp $
- */
- #include <test.priv.h>
- #include <time.h>
- /*
- * The Australian map
- */
- static CONST_MENUS char *AusMap[16] =
- {
- " A A ",
- " N.T. AAAAA AAAA ",
- " AAA S.A. AA",
- " A Tas.",
- ""
- };
- /*
- * Funny messages
- */
- #define NMESSAGES 6
- static NCURSES_CONST char *messages[] =
- {
- "Hello from the Land Down Under",
- "The Land of crocs. and a big Red Rock",
- "Where the sunflower runs along the highways",
- "the dusty red roads lead one to loneliness",
- "Blue sky in the morning and",
- "freezing nights and twinkling stars",
- ""
- };
- /*
- * Trap interrupt
- */
- trap(int sig GCC_UNUSED)
- {
- endwin();
- ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- /*
- * Wait for user
- */
- static int
- WaitForUser(WINDOW *win)
- {
- time_t t;
- chtype key;
- nodelay(win, TRUE);
- t = time((time_t *) 0);
- while (1) {
- if ((int) (key = wgetch(win)) != ERR) {
- if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q')
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- if (time((time_t *) 0) - t > 5)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static void
- set_colors(WINDOW *win, int pair, int foreground, int background)
- {
- if (has_colors()) {
- if (pair > COLOR_PAIRS)
- pair = COLOR_PAIRS;
- init_pair(pair, foreground, background);
- wattrset(win, COLOR_PAIR(pair));
- }
- }
- static chtype
- use_colors(WINDOW *win, int pair, chtype attrs)
- {
- if (has_colors()) {
- if (pair > COLOR_PAIRS)
- pair = COLOR_PAIRS;
- attrs |= COLOR_PAIR(pair);
- }
- wattrset(win, attrs);
- return attrs;
- }
- /*
- * Test sub windows
- */
- static int
- SubWinTest(WINDOW *win)
- {
- int w, h, sw, sh, bx, by;
- WINDOW *swin1, *swin2, *swin3;
- getmaxyx(win, h, w);
- getbegyx(win, by, bx);
- sw = w / 3;
- sh = h / 3;
- if ((swin1 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 3, bx + 5)) == NULL)
- return 1;
- if ((swin2 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 4, bx + 8)) == NULL)
- return 1;
- if ((swin3 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 5, bx + 11)) == NULL)
- return 1;
- set_colors(swin1, 8, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE);
- werase(swin1);
- mvwaddstr(swin1, 0, 3, "Sub-window 1");
- wrefresh(swin1);
- set_colors(swin2, 9, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_MAGENTA);
- werase(swin2);
- mvwaddstr(swin2, 0, 3, "Sub-window 2");
- wrefresh(swin2);
- set_colors(swin3, 10, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN);
- werase(swin3);
- mvwaddstr(swin3, 0, 3, "Sub-window 3");
- wrefresh(swin3);
- delwin(swin1);
- delwin(swin2);
- delwin(swin3);
- WaitForUser(win);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- bounce(int n, int *dir, int len)
- {
- if (*dir > 0)
- ++n;
- else
- --n;
- if (n <= 1 || n >= len - 2)
- *dir = *dir ? 0 : 1;
- return n;
- }
- /*
- * Bouncing balls
- */
- static int
- BouncingBalls(WINDOW *win)
- {
- int w, h;
- int x1, y1, xd1, yd1;
- int x2, y2, xd2, yd2;
- int x3, y3, xd3, yd3;
- getmaxyx(win, h, w);
- x1 = 2 + rand() % (w - 4);
- y1 = 2 + rand() % (h - 4);
- x2 = 2 + rand() % (w - 4);
- y2 = 2 + rand() % (h - 4);
- x3 = 2 + rand() % (w - 4);
- y3 = 2 + rand() % (h - 4);
- xd1 = 1;
- yd1 = 1;
- xd2 = 1;
- yd2 = 0;
- xd3 = 0;
- yd3 = 1;
- nodelay(win, TRUE);
- while (wgetch(win) == ERR) {
- x1 = bounce(x1, &xd1, w);
- y1 = bounce(y1, &yd1, h);
- x2 = bounce(x2, &xd2, w);
- y2 = bounce(y2, &yd2, h);
- x3 = bounce(x3, &xd3, w);
- y3 = bounce(y3, &yd3, h);
- set_colors(win, 11, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE);
- mvwaddch(win, y1, x1, 'O');
- set_colors(win, 12, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_RED);
- mvwaddch(win, y2, x2, '*');
- set_colors(win, 13, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE);
- mvwaddch(win, y3, x3, '@');
- wmove(win, 0, 0);
- wrefresh(win);
- delay_output(100);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Main driver
- */
- int
- main(int argc GCC_UNUSED, char *argv[]GCC_UNUSED)
- {
- WINDOW *win;
- int w, x, y, i, j, k;
- char buffer[200];
- const char *message;
- int width, height;
- chtype save[80];
- chtype c;
- setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
- CATCHALL(trap);
- initscr();
- if (has_colors())
- start_color();
- cbreak();
- curs_set(0);
- width = 48;
- height = 14; /* Create a drawing window */
- win = newwin(height, width, (LINES - height) / 2, (COLS - width) / 2);
- if (win == NULL) {
- endwin();
- ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- while (1) {
- set_colors(win, 1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
- werase(win);
- set_colors(win, 2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED);
- box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE);
- wrefresh(win);
- /* Do ramdom output of a character */
- use_colors(win, 1, A_NORMAL);
- c = 'a';
- for (i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) {
- x = rand() % (width - 2) + 1;
- y = rand() % (height - 2) + 1;
- mvwaddch(win, y, x, c);
- wrefresh(win);
- nodelay(win, TRUE);
- if (wgetch(win) != ERR)
- break;
- if (i == 2000) {
- c = 'b';
- set_colors(win, 3, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_YELLOW);
- }
- }
- SubWinTest(win);
- /* Erase and draw green window */
- set_colors(win, 4, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN);
- wbkgd(win, use_colors(win, 4, A_BOLD));
- werase(win);
- wrefresh(win);
- /* Draw RED bounding box */
- use_colors(win, 2, A_NORMAL);
- box(win, ' ', ' ');
- wrefresh(win);
- /* Display Australia map */
- use_colors(win, 4, A_BOLD);
- i = 0;
- while (*AusMap[i]) {
- mvwaddstr(win, i + 1, 8, AusMap[i]);
- wrefresh(win);
- delay_output(50);
- ++i;
- }
- set_colors(win, 5, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE);
- use_colors(win, 5, A_BLINK);
- mvwaddstr(win, height - 2, 6, " PDCurses 2.1 for DOS, OS/2 and Unix");
- wrefresh(win);
- /* Draw running messages */
- set_colors(win, 6, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE);
- message = messages[j = 0];
- i = 1;
- w = width - 2;
- strcpy(buffer, message);
- while (j < NMESSAGES) {
- while ((int) strlen(buffer) < w) {
- strcat(buffer, " ... ");
- strcat(buffer, messages[++j % NMESSAGES]);
- }
- if (i < w)
- mvwaddnstr(win, height / 2, w - i, buffer, i);
- else
- mvwaddnstr(win, height / 2, 1, buffer, w);
- wrefresh(win);
- nodelay(win, TRUE);
- if (wgetch(win) != ERR) {
- flushinp();
- break;
- }
- if (i++ >= w) {
- for (k = 0; (buffer[k] = buffer[k + 1]) != '\0'; k++) ;
- }
- delay_output(100);
- }
- j = 0;
- /* Draw running As across in RED */
- set_colors(win, 7, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
- memset(save, ' ', sizeof(save));
- for (i = 2; i < width - 4; ++i) {
- k = mvwinch(win, 4, i);
- if (k == ERR)
- break;
- save[j++] = c = k;
- c &= A_CHARTEXT;
- mvwaddch(win, 4, i, c);
- }
- wrefresh(win);
- /* Put a message up wait for a key */
- i = height - 2;
- use_colors(win, 5, A_NORMAL);
- mvwaddstr(win, i, 5, " Type a key to continue or 'Q' to quit ");
- wrefresh(win);
- if (WaitForUser(win) == 1)
- break;
- j = 0; /* Restore the old line */
- for (i = 2; i < width - 4; ++i)
- mvwaddch(win, 4, i, save[j++]);
- wrefresh(win);
- BouncingBalls(win);
- /* Put a message up wait for a key */
- i = height - 2;
- use_colors(win, 5, A_NORMAL);
- mvwaddstr(win, i, 5, " Type a key to continue or 'Q' to quit ");
- wrefresh(win);
- if (WaitForUser(win) == 1)
- break;
- }
- endwin();
- ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- }