Punct-b5.tit 2.0 KB

  1. # -*- coding: cn-big5 -*-
  2. # HANZI input table for cxterm
  3. # Generated from Punct-b5.cit by cit2tit
  4. # To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first
  5. # .cit version 1
  8. PROMPT: いゅ块��夹翴才腹�
  9. #
  10. COMMENT Copyright 1991 by Yongguang Zhang. (ygz@cs.purdue.edu)
  11. COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted.
  12. COMMENT Absolutely no fee and no warranties.
  14. COMMENT use <CTRL-f> to move to the right
  15. COMMENT use <CTRL-b> to move to the left
  16. COMMENT Modify by Wei-Chung Hwang, OCT 15, 1992.
  17. # define keys
  18. VALIDINPUTKEY: !"\043$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl
  19. VALIDINPUTKEY: mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  20. SELECTKEY: 1\040
  21. SELECTKEY: 2
  22. SELECTKEY: 3
  23. SELECTKEY: 4
  24. SELECTKEY: 5
  25. SELECTKEY: 6
  26. SELECTKEY: 7
  27. SELECTKEY: 8
  28. SELECTKEY: 9
  29. SELECTKEY: 0
  30. BACKSPACE: \010\177
  31. DELETEALL: \015\025
  32. MOVERIGHT: \006
  33. MOVELEFT: \002
  34. REPEATKEY: \020\022
  35. # the following line must not be removed
  37. #
  38. ! ��
  39. " ¨〃々—〔
  40. \043 …√
  41. $ ����
  42. % �
  43. & ⊥‘
  44. ' ˉˇ~‖
  45. ( ���������
  46. ) ���������
  47. * ∥⊙��′
  48. + ∠∞∮��″
  49. , ����
  50. - ⌒∵∵�÷�°
  51. . �������☆★�◇
  52. / 〓�∫≡��
  53. 0 �LV`⒙⑻
  54. 1 �CMW⒐⒚⑼
  55. 2 ⒈DNX⒑⒛⑽
  56. 3 ⒉EOY⒒⑴
  57. 4 ⒊FPZ⒓⑵
  58. 5 ⒋GQ[⒔⑶
  59. 6 ⒌HR\⒕⑷
  60. 7 ⒍IS]⒖⑸
  61. 8 ⒎JT^⒗⑹
  62. 9 ⒏KU_⒘⑺
  63. : ���
  64. ; ��
  65. < �∴���∝
  66. = ∽♀≮≤≥
  67. > �♂���≠
  68. ? ��
  69. @ �◇
  70. [ 。��
  71. \134 ��〓�
  72. ] ·��
  73. ^ �
  74. _ ��
  75. ` ˉˇ~‖
  76. a ㈤
  77. b ㈥
  78. c ㈦
  79. d
  80. e
  81. f ㈩
  82. g
  83. h
  84. i Ⅰ
  85. j Ⅱ
  86. k Ⅲ
  87. l
  88. m
  89. n
  90. o Ⅶ
  91. p Ⅷ
  92. q Ⅸ
  93. r Ⅹ
  94. s Ⅺ
  95. t Ⅻ
  96. u
  97. v �
  98. w �
  99. x �
  100. y �
  101. z �
  102. A ⑾
  103. B ⑿
  104. C ⒀
  105. D
  106. E
  107. F ⒃
  108. G
  109. H
  110. I ⒆
  111. J ⒇
  112. K ①
  113. L
  114. M
  115. N
  116. O ⑤
  117. P ⑥
  118. Q ⑦
  119. R ⑧
  120. S ⑨
  121. T ⑩
  122. U
  123. V �
  124. W ㈠
  125. X ㈡
  126. Y ㈢
  127. Z ㈣
  128. graph �������������������������
  129. graph ����ⅰⅱⅲⅳⅴⅵⅶⅷⅸⅹ����
  130. logo ’“”〔〕〈〉《》「」『』〖〗【】±×÷∶∧∨∑∏
  131. logo ∪∩∈∷
  132. math ∠⌒⊙∫∮≡≌≈∽∝≠≮≯≤≥∞∵∴♂♀°′″℃$
  133. math ¤¢£‰§№☆★
  134. symbol ●○◎◇◆□■△▲※→←↑↓〓���
  135. unit �������������������������
  136. unit �
  137. {  ��
  138. | �↓��↑
  139. } 、��
  140. ~ �°≯