xhtml-legacy.rnc 3.5 KB

  1. # Legacy Module
  2. lang.attrib &= attribute lang { LanguageCode.datatype }?
  3. basefont = element basefont { basefont.attlist }
  4. basefont.attlist = id.attrib, Font.attrib
  5. center = element center { center.attlist, Flow.model }
  6. center.attlist = Common.attrib
  7. font = element font { font.attlist, Inline.model }
  8. font.attlist = Core.attrib, I18n.attrib, Font.attrib
  9. Font.attrib =
  10. attribute size { text }?,
  11. attribute color { Color.datatype }?,
  12. attribute face { text }?
  13. s = element s { s.attlist, Inline.model }
  14. s.attlist = Common.attrib
  15. strike = element strike { strike.attlist, Inline.model }
  16. strike.attlist = Common.attrib
  17. u = element u { u.attlist, Inline.model }
  18. u.attlist = Common.attrib
  19. dir = element dir { dir.attlist, li.noblock+ }
  20. dir.attlist =
  21. Common.attrib,
  22. attribute compact { "compact" }?
  23. menu = element menu { menu.attlist, li.noblock+ }
  24. menu.attlist =
  25. Common.attrib,
  26. attribute compact { "compact" }?
  27. li.noblock = element li { li.attlist, Inline.model }
  28. isindex = element isindex { isindex.attlist }
  29. isindex.attlist =
  30. Core.attrib,
  31. I18n.attrib,
  32. attribute prompt { Text.datatype }?
  33. applet.attlist &=
  34. attribute align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" }?,
  35. attribute hspace { Pixels.datatype }?,
  36. attribute vspace { Pixels.datatype }?
  37. body.attlist &=
  38. attribute background { URI.datatype }?,
  39. attribute bgcolor { Color.datatype }?,
  40. attribute text { Color.datatype }?,
  41. attribute link { Color.datatype }?,
  42. attribute vlink { Color.datatype }?,
  43. attribute alink { Color.datatype }?
  44. br.attlist &= attribute clear { "left" | "all" | "right" | "none" }?
  45. caption.attlist &= align.attrib
  46. div.attlist &= align.attrib
  47. # Not in the CR, but surely an error.
  48. dl.attlist &= attribute compact { "compact" }?
  49. Heading.attrib &= align.attrib
  50. hr.attlist &=
  51. attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
  52. attribute noshade { "noshade" }?,
  53. attribute size { Pixels.datatype }?,
  54. attribute width { Pixels.datatype }?
  55. img.attlist &=
  56. attribute align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" }?,
  57. attribute border { Pixels.datatype }?,
  58. attribute hspace { Pixels.datatype }?,
  59. attribute vspace { Pixels.datatype }?
  60. input.attlist &= align.attrib
  61. legend.attlist &=
  62. attribute align { "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" }?
  63. li.attlist &=
  64. attribute type { text }?,
  65. attribute value { text }?
  66. object.attlist &=
  67. attribute align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" }?,
  68. attribute border { Pixels.datatype }?,
  69. attribute hspace { Pixels.datatype }?,
  70. attribute vspace { Pixels.datatype }?
  71. ol.attlist &=
  72. attribute type { text }?,
  73. attribute compact { "compact" }?,
  74. attribute start { text }?
  75. p.attlist &= align.attrib
  76. pre.attlist &= attribute width { Length.datatype }?
  77. script.attlist &= attribute language { ContentType.datatype }?
  78. table.attlist &=
  79. align.attrib,
  80. attribute bgcolor { Color.datatype }?
  81. tr.attlist &= attribute bgcolor { Color.datatype }?
  82. Cell.attrib &=
  83. attribute nowrap { "nowrap" }?,
  84. attribute bgcolor { Color.datatype }?,
  85. attribute width { Pixels.datatype }?,
  86. attribute height { Pixels.datatype }?
  87. ul.attlist &=
  88. attribute type { text }?,
  89. attribute compact { "compact" }?
  90. align.attrib = attribute align { "left" | "all" | "right" | "none" }?
  91. Color.datatype = text
  92. Inline.class |= font | basefont | s | strike | u
  93. Block.class |= center | isindex
  94. List.class |= dir | menu
  95. head.content &= isindex?
  96. Block.mix |= text | Inline.class
  97. # With the legacy module and the frames modules, the html
  98. # element can contain either body or frameset.
  99. frameset |= body