#37 Linux Mint 21 (Ubuntu 22.04) error Vftable for CSRegistrationInfoFetcher_LINUX is not found

linooxp1 년 전을 오픈 · 2개의 코멘트
linooxp 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

I got error when run patch

./navicat-patcher ~/navicat16-premium-en-patched

  • navicat-patcher by @DoubleLabyrinth *
  • version: * ***************************************************

[+] Try to open libcc.dll ... OK!

[-] patch_solution_since<16, 0, 7, 0>: Vftable for CSRegistrationInfoFetcher_LINUX is not found. [-] patch_solution_since<16, 0, 7, 0>: This patch solution will be suppressed. [-] .\navicat-patcher\elf64_interpreter.cpp:570 ->

File offset(0xffff80c908041008) doesn't have corresponding virtual address.
I got error when run patch ./navicat-patcher ~/navicat16-premium-en-patched *************************************************** * navicat-patcher by @DoubleLabyrinth * * version: * *************************************************** [+] Try to open libcc.dll ... OK! [-] patch_solution_since<16, 0, 7, 0>: Vftable for CSRegistrationInfoFetcher_LINUX is not found. [-] patch_solution_since<16, 0, 7, 0>: This patch solution will be suppressed. [-] .\navicat-patcher\elf64_interpreter.cpp:570 -> File offset(0xffff80c908041008) doesn't have corresponding virtual address.
bsdrazor 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

Because your version of Navicat is 16.2.x what is not supported by this keygen_patcher. @doublesine is this project still maintained ?

Because your version of Navicat is 16.2.x what is not supported by this keygen_patcher. @doublesine is this project still maintained ?
linooxp 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

Where I can download old version of navicat?

Where I can download old version of navicat?
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