#21 build failed for linux

öppnade 2 år sedan av youngyajun · 6 kommentarer
youngyajun kommenterad 2 år sedan

Please check the contents in the attachment

Please check the contents in the attachment
Double Sine kommenterad 2 år sedan

It seems the download link you gave requries an aliyun account. I'm sorry I don't have one. Counld you upload the attachment to somewhere else? Maybe mega.nz or google drive?

It seems the download link you gave requries an aliyun account. I'm sorry I don't have one. Counld you upload the attachment to somewhere else? Maybe mega.nz or google drive?
youngyajun kommenterad 2 år sedan
The attachment address of Google drive is : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GHgsFmMqyePcfdAUX9dr_pZMdg9_sP1n/view?usp=sharing
Double Sine kommenterad 2 år sedan

It seems I forgot including <cstddef> header where operator& for std::byte is defined. I always use the latest g++. Maybe some headers I included before has implicitly included <cstddef> in the high version of g++ while the low version hasn't, so I didn't encounter this issue.

Now it should be fixed, just git pull and rerun cmake --build .

It seems I forgot including `<cstddef>` header where `operator&` for `std::byte` is defined. I always use the latest g++. Maybe some headers I included before has implicitly included `<cstddef>` in the high version of g++ while the low version hasn't, so I didn't encounter this issue. Now it should be fixed, just `git pull` and rerun `cmake --build .`
youngyajun kommenterad 2 år sedan
I still failed to build. This is my log connection: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4B0xr6JFE_Zslb7kharrfLFxefFRu_1/view?usp=sharing
Double Sine kommenterad 2 år sedan

I explicitly link patcher with stdc++fs just now. It should be fixed. Tested in UOS professional 1050.

I explicitly link patcher with `stdc++fs` just now. It should be fixed. Tested in UOS professional 1050.
youngyajun kommenterad 2 år sedan

Thank you for your help. I have built it for Linux successfully.

Thank you for your help. I have built it for Linux successfully.
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