crustaceoid.inf 3.3 KB

  1. !% -SD
  2. Constant Story "crustaceoid";
  3. Constant Headline "^a game about change^
  4. ^@@64modgethanc^^";
  5. Release 0;
  6. Include "Parser";
  7. Include "VerbLib";
  8. Include "Grammar";
  9. !Include "Menus";
  10. Global player_form = human;
  11. !=== classes
  12. Class Room
  13. with cant_go
  14. "You can't go that way.",
  15. has light;
  16. Class Prop
  17. with
  18. before [;
  19. Examine:
  20. return false;
  21. default:
  22. print_ret "It's not really useful to do that to ", (the) self, ".";
  23. ],
  24. has scenery;
  25. Class Form
  26. with found_in [;
  27. return true;
  28. ],
  29. before [;
  30. Become:
  31. print_ret (string) self.transformation;
  32. Examine:
  33. print_ret "it's only a concept. you can consider it, but it's not
  34. THERE FOR YOu to examine.";
  35. Think:
  36. print_ret (string) self.description;
  37. ],
  38. has scenery;
  39. !=== rooms
  40. Room home "home sweet home"
  41. with description
  42. "You know you can always return here, where it's safe and familiar.",
  43. name "home",
  44. has ;
  45. !=== objects
  46. Prop nest "your cozy nest" home
  47. with description
  48. "a place where you love to rest",
  49. name "nest",
  50. has ;
  51. !=== forms
  52. Form human "a regular human being"
  53. with description
  54. "soft outer flesh, containing muscle sinew that wraps around hard bones",
  55. name 'human' 'person' 'humanoid' 'homo sapien',
  56. transformation
  57. "poof! you turn into a human.",
  58. before[;
  59. Become:
  60. player.description = "you are a human";
  61. player_form = "human";
  62. ],
  63. has ;
  64. Form crab "a shimmering crab"
  65. with description
  66. "crunchy external shell, encasing soft tissue that holds beautiful
  67. dreams",
  68. name 'crab' 'crustacean' 'crustaceoid',
  69. transformation
  70. "poof! you turn into a crab.",
  71. before[;
  72. Become:
  73. player.description = "you are a crab";
  74. player_form = "crab";
  75. ],
  76. has ;
  77. !=== extra grammar
  78. Verb 'crab'
  79. * -> Crab
  80. * 'about' noun -> Crab
  81. * noun -> Crab;
  82. Verb 'become'
  83. * noun -> Become;
  84. Verb 'consider' 'ponder' 'wonder'
  85. * 'about' noun -> Think
  86. * noun -> Think;
  87. [ BecomeSub;
  88. print_ret "the world whirls around you as you change!^
  89. examine yourself and see what you are now.";
  90. ];
  91. [ CrabSub;
  92. print_ret "you try your best, but you're not sure how to be a crab yet.";
  93. ];
  94. !=== meta
  95. ![ AboutSub;
  96. !;
  97. !];
  98. !
  99. !Menu about_menu "crustaceoid";
  100. !Option -> "ABOUT"
  101. ! with description
  102. ! "about text here";
  103. !Option -> "GAMEPLAY"
  104. ! with description
  105. ! "Standard interactive fiction controls apply here. ^
  106. ! ^You can examine your surroundings by typing 'look' (abbreviated as 'l'), or examine specific objects by typing 'x (object)'.^
  107. ! ^Your non-visual senses are applicable as well; you can 'smell (object)' and
  108. ! 'listen to (object)' and 'taste (object)'.";
  109. !Option -> "SPOILERS"
  110. ! with description
  111. ! "spoilers here";
  112. !Option -> "CREDITS"
  113. ! with description
  114. ! "Many thanks to James for their crabthusiasm.^
  115. ! Written by; bugs and reactions are welcome through email.";
  116. !=== initialization
  117. [ Initialise ;
  118. location = home;
  119. player.description = "You don't appear any different than you'd expect.";
  120. print_ret "you are alone on a quiet beach of white sand.";
  121. ];