cabalapi.cabal 3.5 KB

  1. Name: ghc-mod
  2. Version: 1.11.3
  3. Author: Kazu Yamamoto <>
  4. Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto <>
  5. License: BSD3
  6. License-File: LICENSE
  7. Homepage:
  8. Synopsis: Happy Haskell programming on Emacs/Vim
  9. Description: This packages includes Elisp files
  10. and a Haskell command, "ghc-mod".
  11. "ghc*.el" enable completion of
  12. Haskell symbols on Emacs.
  13. Flymake is also integrated.
  14. "ghc-mod" is a backend of "ghc*.el".
  15. It lists up all installed modules
  16. or extracts names of functions, classes,
  17. and data declarations.
  18. To use "ghc-mod" on Vim,
  19. see <> or
  20. <>
  21. Category: Development
  22. Cabal-Version: >= 1.6
  23. Build-Type: Simple
  24. Data-Dir: elisp
  25. Data-Files: Makefile ghc.el ghc-func.el ghc-doc.el ghc-comp.el
  26. ghc-flymake.el ghc-command.el ghc-info.el
  27. ghc-ins-mod.el ghc-indent.el
  28. Executable ghc-mod
  29. Main-Is: GHCMod.hs
  30. Other-Modules: Browse
  31. CabalApi
  32. Cabal
  33. CabalDev
  34. Check
  35. ErrMsg
  36. Flag
  37. GHCApi
  38. GHCChoice
  39. Gap
  40. Info
  41. Lang
  42. Lint
  43. List
  44. Paths_ghc_mod
  45. Types
  46. GHC-Options: -Wall
  47. Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
  48. , Cabal >= 1.10
  49. , containers
  50. , convertible
  51. , directory
  52. , filepath
  53. , ghc
  54. , ghc-paths
  55. , ghc-syb-utils
  56. , hlint >= 1.7.1
  57. , io-choice
  58. , old-time
  59. , process
  60. , regex-posix
  61. , syb
  62. , time
  63. , transformers
  64. Test-Suite spec
  65. Main-Is: Spec.hs
  66. Hs-Source-Dirs: test, .
  67. Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  68. Other-Modules: Expectation
  69. BrowseSpec
  70. CabalApiSpec
  71. FlagSpec
  72. LangSpec
  73. LintSpec
  74. ListSpec
  75. Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
  76. , Cabal >= 1.10
  77. , containers
  78. , convertible
  79. , directory
  80. , filepath
  81. , ghc
  82. , ghc-paths
  83. , ghc-syb-utils
  84. , hlint >= 1.7.1
  85. , io-choice
  86. , old-time
  87. , process
  88. , regex-posix
  89. , syb
  90. , time
  91. , transformers
  92. , hspec
  93. Source-Repository head
  94. Type: git
  95. Location: git://