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  1. # OCaml 3.12.1
  2. # Keywords
  3. and
  4. as
  5. assert
  6. begin
  7. class
  8. constraint
  9. do
  10. done
  11. downto
  12. else
  13. end
  14. exception
  15. external
  16. false
  17. for
  18. fun
  19. function
  20. functor
  21. if
  22. in
  23. include
  24. inherit
  25. initializer
  26. lazy
  27. let
  28. match
  29. method
  30. module
  31. mutable
  32. new
  33. object
  34. of
  35. open
  36. or
  37. private
  38. rec
  39. sig
  40. struct
  41. then
  42. to
  43. true
  44. try
  45. type
  46. val
  47. virtual
  48. when
  49. while
  50. with
  51. # Pervasives
  52. !
  53. !=
  54. &
  55. &&
  56. *
  57. **
  58. *.
  59. +
  60. +.
  61. -
  62. -.
  63. /
  64. /.
  65. :=
  66. <
  67. <=
  68. <>
  69. =
  70. ==
  71. >
  72. >=
  73. @
  74. FP_infinite
  75. FP_nan
  76. FP_normal
  77. FP_subnormal
  78. FP_zero
  79. LargeFile
  80. Open_append
  81. Open_binary
  82. Open_creat
  83. Open_nonblock
  84. Open_rdonly
  85. Open_text
  86. Open_trunc
  87. Open_wronly
  88. Oupen_excl
  89. ^
  90. ^^
  91. abs
  92. abs_float
  93. acos
  94. asin
  95. asr
  96. at_exit
  97. atan
  98. atan2
  99. bool_of_string
  100. ceil
  101. char_of_int
  102. classify_float
  103. close_in
  104. close_in_noerr
  105. close_out
  106. close_out_noerr
  107. compare
  108. cos
  109. cosh
  110. decr
  111. do_at_exit
  112. epsilon_float
  113. exit
  114. exp
  115. expm1
  116. failwith
  117. float
  118. float_of_int
  119. float_of_string
  120. floor
  121. flush
  122. flush_all
  123. format
  124. format4
  125. format_of_string
  126. fpclass
  127. frexp
  128. fst
  129. ignore
  130. in_channel
  131. in_channel_length
  132. incr
  133. infinity
  134. input
  135. input_binary_int
  136. input_byte
  137. input_char
  138. input_line
  139. input_value
  140. int_of_char
  141. int_of_float
  142. int_of_string
  143. invalid_arg
  144. land
  145. ldexp
  146. lnot
  147. log
  148. log10
  149. log1p
  150. lor
  151. lsl
  152. lsr
  153. lxor
  154. max
  155. max_float
  156. max_int
  157. min
  158. min_float
  159. min_int
  160. mod
  161. mod_float
  162. modf
  163. nan
  164. neg_infinity
  165. not
  166. open_flag
  167. open_in
  168. open_in_bin
  169. open_in_gen
  170. open_out
  171. open_out_bin
  172. open_out_gen
  173. or
  174. out_channel
  175. out_channel_length
  176. output
  177. output_binary_int
  178. output_byte
  179. output_char
  180. output_string
  181. output_value
  182. pos_in
  183. pos_out
  184. pred
  185. prerr_char
  186. prerr_endline
  187. prerr_float
  188. prerr_int
  189. prerr_newline
  190. prerr_string
  191. print_char
  192. print_endline
  193. print_float
  194. print_int
  195. print_newline
  196. print_string
  197. raise
  198. read_float
  199. read_int
  200. read_line
  201. really_input
  202. ref
  203. seek_in
  204. seek_out
  205. set_binary_mode_in
  206. set_binary_mode_out
  207. sin
  208. sinh
  209. snd
  210. sqrt
  211. stderr
  212. stdin
  213. stdout
  214. string_of_bool
  215. string_of_float
  216. string_of_format
  217. string_of_int
  218. succ
  219. tan
  220. tanh
  221. truncate
  222. unsafe_really_input
  223. valid_float_lexem
  224. ||
  225. ~
  226. ~+
  227. ~+.
  228. ~-
  229. ~-.