123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158 |
- ;;; Color theme setup, with cycling
- ;;; -----
- (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp/color-theme-6.6.0/")
- (require 'color-theme)
- (load-file "~/.emacs.d/elisp/color-theme-6.6.0/themes/color-theme-library.el")
- ;(setq color-theme-is-cumulative nil)
- (defun color-theme-ebony-gnome ()
- "`color-theme-gnome2' with a black background and a nice gray
- font."
- (interactive)
- (color-theme-gnome2)
- (let ((color-theme-is-cumulative t))
- (color-theme-install
- '(color-theme-ebony-gnome
- ((foreground-color . "lightgray")
- (background-color . "black"))))))
- (defun color-theme-emacs-21-black ()
- "`color-theme-emacs-21' with a black background and a nice gray
- font."
- (interactive)
- (color-theme-emacs-21)
- (let ((color-theme-is-cumulative t))
- (color-theme-install
- '(color-theme-emacs-21-black
- ((foreground-color . "lightgray")
- (background-color . "black"))))))
- (defun color-theme-snow-better ()
- "Because `color-theme-snow' is so awesome, except for when it
- isn't."
- (interactive)
- (color-theme-snow)
- (let ((color-theme-is-cumulative t))
- (color-theme-install
- '(color-theme-snow-better
- ((background-color . "snow2")
- (background-mode . light)
- (border-color . "black")
- (cursor-color . "cadet blue")
- (foreground-color . "black")
- (mouse-color . "black"))
- (emacs-wiki-link-face ((t (:bold t :underline "BlueViolet" :foreground "BlueViolet"))))
- (muse-link-face ((t (:bold t :underline "BlueViolet" :foreground "BlueViolet"))))
- (info-xref ((t (:bold t :foreground "BlueViolet"))))
- (region ((t (:background "light steel blue"))))
- (cursor ((t (:background "cadet blue"))))
- (fringe ((t (:background "white"))))
- (planner-high-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "red"))))
- (planner-medium-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "green"))))
- (planner-low-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "blue"))))
- (planner-canceled-task-face ((t (:foreground "gray" :strike-through t))))
- (org-todo ((t (:foreground "red2" :bold t))))
- (org-done ((t (:foreground "SpringGreen3" :bold t))))
- (org-special-keyword ((t (:foreground "sienna"))))
- (org-column ((t (:background "gray85"))))
- ; (py-pseudo-keyword-face ((t (:foreground:
- (erc-input-face ((t (:foreground "brown"))))
- (erc-notice-face ((t (:foreground "SlateBlue" :bold t))))
- (erc-current-nick-face ((t (:foreground "DarkTurquoise" :bold t))))
- (erc-prompt-face ((t (:foreground "Black" :bold t :background "lightBlue2"))))
- (planner-note-headline-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "azure3"))))))))
- (setq my-color-themes
- (list 'color-theme-snow-better
- 'color-theme-ebony-gnome
- 'color-theme-emacs-21-black))
- ;; 'color-theme-taming-mr-arneson 'color-theme-gray30
- ;; 'color-theme-hober 'color-theme-clarity
- ;; 'color-theme-arjen 'color-theme-dark-laptop
- ;; 'color-theme-subtle-hacker 'color-theme-deep-blue))
- (defun my-theme-set-default () ; Set the first row
- (interactive)
- (setq theme-current my-color-themes)
- (if window-system (funcall (car theme-current))))
- (defun my-describe-theme () ; Show the current theme
- (interactive)
- (message "%s" (car theme-current)))
- (defun my-theme-cycle () ; Set the next theme
- (interactive)
- (setq theme-current (cdr theme-current))
- (if (null theme-current)
- (setq theme-current my-color-themes))
- (funcall (car theme-current))
- (my-describe-theme))
- (defun my-refresh-current-theme (&optional frame)
- (interactive)
- (funcall (car theme-current)))
- (defun cwebber/load-primary-theme (&optional frame)
- (interactive)
- (when window-system
- (if frame
- (select-frame frame))
- ; guess I shouldn't tack this in here, but meh...
- (set-default-font "mono-9")
- (funcall (car my-color-themes))))
- (setq theme-current my-color-themes)
- ;(my-theme-set-default)
- ;(global-set-key [f12] 'my-theme-cycle)
- ;(global-set-key [f11] 'my-refresh-current-theme)
- ;(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'cwebber/load-primary-theme)
- ;; (remove-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'cwebber/load-primary-theme)
- ;; (defadvice make-frame (after possibly-load-color-theme)
- ;; "Load the color theme if we are in x, but not if in a terminal"
- ;; (message "Hello thar")
- ;; (message ad-return-value)
- ;; (cwebber/load-primary-theme))
- ;; (ad-activate 'make-frame)
- ;;;; And now, set faces
- (custom-set-faces
- ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
- ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
- ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
- ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- '(column-marker-1-face ((t (:background "red" :foreground "black")))))
- (load-file "~/.emacs.d/themes/naquadah-theme.el")
- (require 'naquadah-theme)
- (when (not window-system)
- (set-face-attribute 'region nil :background "blue"))
- (load-file "~/.emacs.d/themes/dark-emacs-theme.el")
- (require 'dark-emacs-theme)
- (defun cwebber/fix-font-size (&optional frame)
- (interactive)
- (when window-system
- (if frame
- (select-frame frame))
- (set-default-font "mono-9")))
- ; Make the ansi-term blue not so painful
- (setq ansi-color-names-vector
- ["black" "red" "green" "yellow" "#729fcf"
- "magenta" "cyan" "white"])
- (setq ansi-color-map (ansi-color-make-color-map))
- (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'cwebber/fix-font-size)