123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212 |
- --[[
- Awesome WM Brightness Widget
- Distopico Vegan <distopico [at] riseup [dot] net>
- Licensed under GPL3
- @author Tyler Compton <https://github.com/velovix/awesome.brightness-widget>
- --]]
- local wibox = require("wibox")
- local awful = require("awful")
- local naughty = require("naughty")
- local helpers = require("widgets/helpers")
- math = require("math")
- string = require("string")
- local config = awful.util.getdir("config")
- local widget = { mt = {}, wmt = {} }
- widget.wmt.__index = widget
- widget.__index = widget
- -- {{{ Create brightness widget method
- function widget:new(args)
- -- TODO: implement just sys and dims
- -- see: https://gitlab.com/wavexx/acpilight/-/blob/master/xbacklight
- -- dims: https://github.com/intervigilium/brightd
- local obj = setmetatable({}, self)
- local defaultBlPath = "/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0"
- local amdGpuBlPath = "/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0"
- local gmuxBlPath = "/sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight"
- local intelBlPath = "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight"
- obj.cmd = args.cmd or "xbacklight"
- obj.backlightPath = args.backlight_path or defaultBlPath
- if helpers:test(obj.cmd) then
- obj.step = args.step or 5
- obj.incVal = args.inc or "-inc"
- obj.decVal = args.dec or "-dec"
- obj.setVal = args.set or "-set"
- obj.getVal = args.get or "-get"
- obj.backlightPath = nil
- elseif helpers:exists(intelBlPath) then
- obj.backlightPath = intelBlPath
- elseif helpers:exists(gmuxBlPath) then
- obj.backlightPath = gmuxBlPath
- elseif helpers:exists(amdGpuBlPath) then
- obj.backlightPath = amdGpuBlPath
- else
- obj.cmd = nil
- obj.backlightPath = nil
- end
- if helpers:exists(obj.backlightPath) then
- obj.max = helpers:run("cat "..obj.backlightPath.."/max_brightness")
- obj.step = (obj.max / 100) * 3
- obj.cmd = nil
- end
- -- Create imagebox widget
- obj._icon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
- -- Change the draw method so icons can be drawn smaller
- --helpers:set_draw_method(obj.icon)
- -- icon raw path
- obj.iconpath = config.."/theme/icons/brightness-symbolic.svg"
- obj._icon:set_image(obj.iconpath)
- obj.icon = helpers:set_draw_method(obj._icon)
- -- Add a popup
- obj.popup = nil
- obj.brightness = nil
- helpers:listen(obj, 60)
- -- Listen if signal was found
- obj._icon:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() obj:popupShow() end)
- obj._icon:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() obj:popupHide() end)
- obj:update()
- return obj
- end
- function widget:tooltipText()
- return self:get().."% Brightness"
- end
- function widget:percentage(value)
- return math.floor((100 * value) / self.max)
- end
- function widget:update()
- local brightness = self:get()
- local iconpath = config.."/theme/icons/status/brightness"
- if(brightness < 5) then
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-none"
- elseif(brightness < 10) then
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-verylow"
- elseif(brightness < 25) then
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-low"
- elseif(brightness < 75) then
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-medium"
- elseif(brightness < 90) then
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-high"
- else
- iconpath = iconpath .. "-full"
- end
- self.iconpath = iconpath .. "-symbolic.svg"
- if self.brightness ~= brightness and self.brightness ~= nil then
- self:popupShow(1)
- end
- self._icon:set_image(self.iconpath)
- self.icon = helpers:set_draw_method(self._icon)
- self.brightness = brightness
- end
- function widget:up()
- if self.cmd ~= nil then
- helpers:run(self.cmd.." "..self.incVal.." "..self.step)
- elseif self.backlightPath ~= nil then
- local val = math.floor(helpers:run("cat "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness") + self.step)
- if val > math.floor(self.max) or self.brightness > 95 or self:percentage(val) >= 97 then
- val = self.max
- end
- local result = helpers:run("echo "..val.." > "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness")
- end
- helpers:delay(function() self:update() end, 0.1)
- end
- function widget:down()
- if self.cmd ~= nil then
- helpers:run(self.cmd.." "..self.decVal.." "..self.step)
- elseif self.backlightPath ~= nil then
- local val = math.floor(helpers:run("cat "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness") - self.step)
- if self:percentage(val) <= 5 then
- val = 0
- end
- helpers:run("echo "..val.." > "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness")
- end
- helpers:delay(function() self:update() end, 0.1)
- end
- function widget:get()
- if self.cmd ~= nil then
- local value = tonumber(helpers:run(self.cmd.." "..self.getVal)) or 0
- return math.floor(value)
- elseif self.backlightPath ~= nil then
- local value = tonumber(helpers:run("cat "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness"))
- return self:percentage(value)
- else
- return 100
- end
- end
- function widget:set(val)
- if self.cmd ~= nil then
- helpers:run(self.cmd.." "..self.setVal.." "..val)
- elseif self.backlightPath ~= nil then
- val = (self.max / 100) * val;
- helpers:run("echo "..val.." > "..self.backlightPath.."/brightness")
- end
- end
- function widget:popupShow(timeout)
- local icon = self.iconpath
- local tooltipText = self:tooltipText()
- self:popupHide()
- self.popup = naughty.notify({
- icon = icon,
- icon_size = 16,
- text = tooltipText,
- timeout = timeout,
- hover_timeout = 0.5,
- screen = mouse.screen,
- ignore_suspend = true
- })
- end
- function widget:popupHide()
- if self.popup ~= nil then
- naughty.destroy(self.popup)
- self.popup = nil
- end
- end
- function widget.mt:__call(...)
- return widget.new(...)
- end
- return widget:new({})