
  • 2.0.0 - THIS. IS. GNU SOCIAL!!!

    Diogo Cordeiro 3 år sedan 5 ändringar mot master sedan detta släpp

    2.0.x - THIS. IS. GNU SOCIAL!!! Dropped support for PHP 7.0.0. Minimum PHP version now is 7.3.0.

    Release name chosen after 300 by Frank Miller where the main protagonist Leonidas, King of Sparta, declines peace with the Persians, after being disrespected, by shouting at the Persian Messenger "This is Sparta!" and kicking him into a large well proceeded by the killing of the other Persian messengers.

    For users/sysadmins

    Web server changes

    • GS is now structurally divided in includes and public
    • New media handling system, new important settings, refer to CONFIGURE doc and web server conf
    • OEmbed upgraded to Embed plugin (and now we provide Open Graph information too)
    • Composer was integrated


    • Restored broken built-in plugins
    • A more powerful Plugins management tool for sysadmins


    • Added ActivityPub support
    • Enabled the search box to import remote notices and profiles
    • Direct messages are now via ActivityPub only

    Load and Storage

    • New queues system
    • Support for Redis was added
    • Support for PostgreSQL was added

    For developers


    • New Internal Session Handler and consequently a new API, migration should be simple enough
    • Dropped support for StatusNet plugins, devs should now use GNUsocial class instead


    • Composer was integrated
    • GS is now structurely divided in includes and public
    • A more powerful Plugins management tool for sysadmins

    Now plugins can be installed via the sysadmin UI. Therefore, now you should package your plugins either in tar or zip. The package name must be the same as the plugin's internal name. For example, a plugin named Chuck Norris (social@chuck.norris) must be in a file named: ChuckNorris.tar. Inside there MUST be two directories, one named 'includes' with everything that should be unpacked in local/plugins/{plugin_name} and another named 'public' with everything that should be unpacked in public/local/plugins/{plugin_name}.

  • 1.20.9 - The Invicta Crusade

    Diogo Cordeiro 5 år sedan 2 ändringar mot 1.20.x sedan detta släpp

    Dropped Support for PHP5.6.x. Minimum PHP version now is 7.0.0.

    Release name chosen after Porto city. Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe and thanks to its fierce resistance during two battles and sieges in history, it has earned the epithet of ‘Cidade Invicta’ (Invincible City). The dev team behind this release studies in Porto, Portugal.

    Major changes from previous release:

    • Various patches on PEAR related components
    • Various database related improvements
    • Improved XMPP support
    • Added Nodeinfo support
    • Various i18n and l10n bug fixes
    • Improvements on Internal Session Handler
    • Improvements on OpenID support
    • Improved Media handling and safer upload
    • Redirect to previous page after login
    • Initial work on full conversion to PHP7
    • Initial work on a better documentation
    • Allow login with email
    • Various bug fixes
  • 1.1.3 - The Spanish Invasion

    Diogo Cordeiro 9 år sedan 0 ändringar mot 1.1.x sedan detta släpp

    New this version

    This is a security fix and bug fix release since 1.1.3-beta2. All 1.1.x sites should upgrade to this version.

    So far it includes the following changes:

    Upgrades from StatusNet 1.1.1 will also experience these improvements:

    • Fixes for SQL injection errors in profile lists.
    • Improved ActivityStreams JSON representation of activities and objects.
    • Upgrade to the Twitter 1.1 API.
    • More robust handling of errors in distribution.
    • Fix error in OStatus subscription for remote groups.
    • Fix error in XMPP distribution.
    • Tracking of conversation URI metadata (more coherent convos)