#258 When is the non-beta release of version 2.X?

otvorené 3 rokov pred užívateľom sutera · 1 komentárov
sutera okomentoval 3 rokov pred

Most of the recent development has been done on version 3, and version 2 has not been updated for about two months, but still version 2 is a beta version. Are there any plans for an official release of version 2?

Most of the recent development has been done on version 3, and version 2 has not been updated for about two months, but still version 2 is a beta version. Are there any plans for an official release of version 2?
Diogo Cordeiro okomentoval 3 rokov pred

Probably at about the same time as the alpha release of version 3. There are some identified and waiting to be fixed bugs since the release of this beta. As we release the alpha of v3, we will fix these bugs and write the upgrade tool from v2-stable to v3-alpha. We want to have v3-alpha released until February 2022, thus why we aren't doing any improvements on v2 and all of the planned changes before v2-stable are bug fixes.

Probably at about the same time as the alpha release of version 3. There are some identified and waiting to be fixed bugs since the release of this beta. As we release the alpha of v3, we will fix these bugs and write the upgrade tool from v2-stable to v3-alpha. We want to have v3-alpha released until February 2022, thus why we aren't doing any improvements on v2 and all of the planned changes before v2-stable are bug fixes.
diogo zatvorené 3 rokov pred
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