#241 support remote actions (remote boost/reply/favorite)

opened 3 years ago by roytam · 1 comments
roytam commented 3 years ago
detailed description in https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/916
Diogo Cordeiro commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for sharing. We originally intended to implement this in v2, as you can see in our kanban board for v2: https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=readonly&token=03795efb8138c4e7661a900c234c0df1bc3fc03cdfcda8619cd5d0e666de (task 68) but it was moved to v3 goals. So, you'll have to wait for a little for this to be in GNU social... You can follow v3 progress in https://gnusocial.rocks/v3 .

Hey, thanks for sharing. We originally intended to implement this in v2, as you can see in our kanban board for v2: https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=readonly&token=03795efb8138c4e7661a900c234c0df1bc3fc03cdfcda8619cd5d0e666de (task 68) but it was moved to v3 goals. So, you'll have to wait for a little for this to be in GNU social... You can follow v3 progress in https://gnusocial.rocks/v3 .
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