#188 Site: Interactive Website Tour Guide

4 jaren geleden werd geopend door thndrbvr · 0 opmerkingen

Taking linking to the docs to the next level by having a tour like http://bootstraptour.com/api/

It could guide everyone step by step explaining what everything is and prompting them to fully set up their profiles. Users could turn this back on after the first visit in their settings.

If someone doesn't understand how to use or why they should use or do something then they are likely not to return. As GS grows and becomes more complex, the likelihood of newbies being overwhelmed and confused also increases.

Nobody wants to just read documentation. That's boring. This holds their hand and eases them into the fediverse. :)

Taking linking to the docs to the next level by having a tour like http://bootstraptour.com/api/ It could guide everyone step by step explaining what everything is and prompting them to fully set up their profiles. Users could turn this back on after the first visit in their settings. If someone doesn't understand how to use or <i>why</i> they should use or do something then they are likely not to return. As GS grows and becomes more complex, the likelihood of newbies being overwhelmed and confused also increases. Nobody wants to just read documentation. That's boring. This holds their hand and eases them into the fediverse. :)
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