Add a pre-filled "#NowListening to 'Song' by Artist from 1984's Album" line at the end of status.
Same with:
#NowPlaying [____]
#NowWatching [____]
#NowEating [____]
#NowDrinking [___]
#NowReading [____]
#CurrentMood [____]
Icon/font/emoji/smilie between hashtag and selected/filled out text.
Graphics could be configured by instance admin.
#NowListening should be autofilled by GNU FM or ListenBrainz. (check back soon for ;)
What I'm thinking about is the end of an entry on Dreamwidth (LiveJournal).
There could be a drop down menu listing dozens of moods with smilies/whatever that correspond.
Food & drink graphics should try their best to match, if at all possible or just be selectable via drop down menu.
There should be a default generic controller and book graphic with others to choose from.
Similar to sort of. <br /><br />
Add a pre-filled "#NowListening to 'Song' by Artist from 1984's Album" line at the end of status.
Same with:
* #NowPlaying [____]
* #NowWatching [____]
* #NowEating [____]
* #NowDrinking [___]
* #NowReading [____]
* #CurrentMood [____]
Icon/font/emoji/smilie between hashtag and selected/filled out text.
Graphics could be configured by instance admin. <br />
#NowListening should be autofilled by GNU FM or ListenBrainz. (check back soon for ;)
<br /><br />
What I'm thinking about is the end of an entry on Dreamwidth (LiveJournal).<br />
There could be a drop down menu listing dozens of moods with smilies/whatever that correspond.<br />
Food & drink graphics should try their best to match, if at all possible or just be selectable via drop down menu. <br />
There should be a default generic controller and book graphic with others to choose from.
Also note that: sure! I could fill any of this in manually but I don't because I'm not a pedantic twat -- usually -- and it's too much work, especially when an API or script can just grab that info and fill things out for me or at least fill out half of it, again, prompting me to write in stuff.
People will write notices simply because they want to share what they're listening to or eating or drinking. This adds more information to that.
Also note that: sure! I could fill any of this in manually but I don't because I'm not a pedantic twat -- usually -- and it's too much work, especially when an API or script can just grab that info and fill things out for me or at least fill out half of it, again, prompting me to write in stuff.
People will write notices simply because they want to share what they're listening to or eating or drinking. This adds more information to that.
Similar to #84 sort of.
Add a pre-filled "#NowListening to 'Song' by Artist from 1984's Album" line at the end of status. Same with:
Icon/font/emoji/smilie between hashtag and selected/filled out text. Graphics could be configured by instance admin.
#NowListening should be autofilled by GNU FM or ListenBrainz. (check back soon for ;)
What I'm thinking about is the end of an entry on Dreamwidth (LiveJournal).
There could be a drop down menu listing dozens of moods with smilies/whatever that correspond.
Food & drink graphics should try their best to match, if at all possible or just be selectable via drop down menu.
There should be a default generic controller and book graphic with others to choose from.
Also note that: sure! I could fill any of this in manually but I don't because I'm not a pedantic twat -- usually -- and it's too much work, especially when an API or script can just grab that info and fill things out for me or at least fill out half of it, again, prompting me to write in stuff.
People will write notices simply because they want to share what they're listening to or eating or drinking. This adds more information to that.
Moved to #84