#134 Groups: Clouds/lists of moods & music

thndrbvr4 년 전을 오픈 · 0개의 코멘트
Thunder Beaver 코멘트됨, 4 년 전

Group Admins toggle off/on a cloud or list of top 10 moods of group members. Same with music with artists & genres.
Last 7, 30, 90 days. All time / since creation.
Taken from notices posted to group.

Might look good side-by-side-by-side between status box and notices. CSS box automatically creating a second row when window narrows.
Maybe have another list for food? Drink?
Include graphics for moods and maybe others.
Perhaps a single row of group gallery images above it.

Group Admins toggle off/on a cloud or list of top 10 moods of group members. Same with music with artists & genres. <br /> Last 7, 30, 90 days. All time / since creation. <br /> Taken from notices posted to group. <br /> <br /> Might look good side-by-side-by-side between status box and notices. CSS box automatically creating a second row when window narrows. <br /> Maybe have another list for food? Drink?<br /> Include graphics for moods and maybe others. <br/> Perhaps a single row of group gallery images above it.<br />
diogo 4 년 전가 Close
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