#103 Relative time for removeRemoteMedia.php

5 jaren geleden werd geopend door postblue · 1 opmerkingen

When using plugins/StoreRemoteMedia/scripts/removeRemoteMedia.php, I would like to have the possibility to use a relative date, like a week or a month, so I can use the script as part of a maintainance routine. Is it possible with the --limit argument or does it need further developement?

When using `plugins/StoreRemoteMedia/scripts/removeRemoteMedia.php`, I would like to have the possibility to use a relative date, like a week or a month, so I can use the script as part of a maintainance routine. Is it possible with the `--limit` argument or does it need further developement?
Diogo Cordeiro reageerde 3 jaren geleden

I'm sorry about this late reply, I've first misread your question.

We could implement relative time but, I think this ultimately is up to the specific case... Because there are many possible relative times.

If the maintenance is something like a cron job, you could set a small shell script that generates the right date argument instead...

I'm sorry about this late reply, I've first misread your question. We could implement relative time but, I think this ultimately is up to the specific case... Because there are many possible relative times. If the maintenance is something like a cron job, you could set a small shell script that generates the right date argument instead...
diogo gesloten om 3 jaren geleden
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