123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247 |
- #!/bin/sh
- #call from 3builddistro, current dir is inside 'sandbox3'.
- #also want to call from LoginManager (/usr/sbin/loginmanager) from running puppy
- # (3buildistro will copy this script to sandbox3/rootfs-complete/usr/sbin).
- #pass in space-delimited names of apps to run as spot, each with false or true.
- #ex: 'seamonkey=true' 'sylpheed=false'
- #...=true means turn on spot, =false turn off. no parameter then do nothing.
- #130601 first version, seamonkey only.
- #130604 use code from /usr/sbin/run-as-spot, created by jamesbond (James Budiono).
- #130604 passed-in params to have actual names of executables.
- #130720 add support for QtWeb. 130721 fix. 130722 fix.
- #130723 add opera option to run as spot. see also 3builddistro, loginmanager.
- [ "`echo "$0" | grep 'support/'`" = "" ] && RUNNINGPUP=1 #running in woof.
- [ $RUNNINGPUP -eq 0 ] && PREFIXDIR='rootfs-complete'
- touch ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status
- #130604 jamesbond, mods by BK...
- RUNASSPOT='#script to run $APP as spot...
- ARGS=""
- [ $1 ] && while [ "$1" ]; do ARGS="$ARGS \"$1\""; shift; done
- if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
- [ $XAUTHORITY ] && cp $XAUTHORITY /root/spot/.Xauthority 2>/dev/null
- touch /root/spot/.Xauthority
- #following line is mostly there to catch any root:root files that may have got copied in...
- chown -R spot:spot /root/spot &
- export XAUTHORITY=/root/spot/.Xauthority
- export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/root/spot/.config
- export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/root/spot/.cache
- export XDG_DATA_HOME=/root/spot/.local/share
- exec su spot -s /bin/sh -c "\"$APP\" $ARGS"
- else #precaution
- exec "$APP" "$ARGS"
- fi'
- seamonkey_true() {
- #function to run seamonkey as spot.
- [ ! -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ] && cp -a -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #in case it is a symlink.
- echo "#!/bin/sh
- APP='${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin'" > ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- echo "$RUNASSPOT" >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- chmod 755 ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- if [ -e ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.mozilla ];then
- if [ ! -e ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/a2bvafqx.default ];then #check not already setup.
- if [ "$PREFIXDIR" ];then #woof. my SM PETs have skeleton .mozilla.
- cp -a ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.mozilla ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/
- DEFAULTDIR="`find ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*.default'`"
- else #running puppy...
- xDEFAULTDIR="`find /root/.mozilla/seamonkey -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*.default' | head -n 1`"
- if [ "$xDEFAULTDIR" ];then
- BASENAME="`basename $xDEFAULTDIR`" #ex: 3o1ptd5r.default
- mkdir -p /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}
- rm -rf /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/* 2>/dev/null #precaution.
- echo "[General]
- StartWithLastProfile=1
- [Profile0]
- Name=default
- IsRelative=1
- Path=${BASENAME}" > /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/profiles.ini
- cp -a -f /root/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/chrome /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/
- cp -a -f /root/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/localstore.rdf /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/
- cp -a -f /root/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/mimeTypes.rdf /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/
- cp -a -f /root/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/prefs.js /root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}/
- DEFAULTDIR="/root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME}"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$DEFAULTDIR" ];then #precaution.
- #needs to have a different name for .default dir from main one...
- mv -f $DEFAULTDIR $DIRNAME/a2bvafqx.default
- sed -i -e 's%^Path=.*defaul.*%Path=a2bvafqx.default%' $DIRNAME/profiles.ini
- #setup Downloads dir... 130722 no need for this anymore, already exists...
- mkdir -p ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/Downloads
- sed -i -e 's%/root/my-documents%/root/spot/Downloads%' $DIRNAME/a2bvafqx.default/prefs.js
- sed -i -e 's%"/usr/share/doc"%"/root/spot/Downloads"%' $DIRNAME/a2bvafqx.default/prefs.js
- fi
- fi
- fi
- return 0
- }
- seamonkey_false() {
- #function to run seamonkey as root.
- if [ -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ];then
- cp -a -f --remove-destination ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #restore original.
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- else #precaution. error.
- ln -snf /usr/lib/seamonkey/seamonkey ${PREFIXDIR}/usr/bin/seamonkey
- fi
- #a paranoid precaution...
- xDEFAULTDIR="`find ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.mozilla/seamonkey -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*.default' | head -n 1`"
- if [ "$xDEFAULTDIR" ];then
- BASENAME="`basename $xDEFAULTDIR`" #ex: 3o1ptd5r.default
- rm -rf ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.mozilla/seamonkey/${BASENAME} 2>/dev/null
- fi
- return 0
- }
- generic_func() {
- #setup the app to run as spot or root...
- case $ONEAPPvalue in
- true)
- [ ! -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ] && cp -a -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #in case it is a symlink.
- echo "#!/bin/sh
- APP='${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin'" > ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- echo "$RUNASSPOT" >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- chmod 755 ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- ;;
- false)
- if [ -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ];then
- cp -a -f --remove-destination ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #restore original.
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- return 0
- }
- #130720
- QtWeb_true() {
- #function to run QtWeb as spot.
- [ ! -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ] && cp -a -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #in case it is a symlink.
- echo "#!/bin/sh
- APP='${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin'" > ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- #QtWeb saves config settings in /tmp when running as spot...
- #jamesbond: fixed: http://bkhome.org/blog2/?viewDetailed=00319
- # echo 'rm -rf /tmp/QtWeb.NET' >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- # echo 'cp -a -f /root/spot/QtWeb.NET /tmp/' >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- echo "$RUNASSPOT" >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- # echo 'rm -rf /root/spot/QtWeb.NET' >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- # echo 'cp -a -f /tmp/QtWeb.NET /root/spot/' >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- # #take out "exec" as want to return to the script...
- # sed -i -e 's% exec % %' ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- chmod 755 ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- if [ -d ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.config/QtWeb.NET ];then #this is in the PET or created when run QtWeb as root.
- if [ ! -d ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config/QtWeb.NET ];then
- mkdir -p ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config/QtWeb.NET
- cp -a -f ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.config/QtWeb.NET/"QtWeb Internet Browser.conf" ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config/QtWeb.NET/
- sed -i -e 's%/root/Downloads%/root/spot/Downloads%' ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config/QtWeb.NET/"QtWeb Internet Browser.conf"
- fi
- else
- mkdir -p ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config/QtWeb.NET
- fi
- chown -R spot:spot ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.config
- chmod 775 ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/Downloads #should already be.
- return 0
- }
- #130720
- QtWeb_false() {
- if [ -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ];then
- cp -a -f --remove-destination ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #restore original.
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- fi
- return 0
- }
- #130723 opera...
- opera_true() {
- #function to run Opera as spot.
- [ ! -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ] && cp -a -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #in case it is a symlink.
- echo "#!/bin/sh
- APP='${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin'" > ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- echo "$RUNASSPOT" >> ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- chmod 755 ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}
- if [ ! -d ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.opera ];then
- if [ -d ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.opera ];then #this is in the PET or created when run Opera as root.
- cp -a -f ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.opera ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/
- else
- mkdir -p ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.opera
- echo '
- [State]
- Accept License=0
- [User Prefs]
- Home URL=file://localhost/usr/share/doc/home.htm
- Startup Type=2
- Download Directory={Home}Downloads
- [Fonts]
- Normal=14,4,0,0,0,0,DejaVu Sans
- PRE=14,4,0,0,0,0,Nimbus Mono L
- ' > ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.opera/operaprefs.ini
- fi
- fi
- chown -R spot:spot ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/.opera
- chmod 775 ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot/Downloads #should already be.
- return 0
- }
- opera_false() {
- if [ -e ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ];then
- cp -a -f --remove-destination ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname} #restore original.
- rm -f ${ONEAPPpath}/${ONEAPPname}.bin
- fi
- return 0
- }
- do
- ONEAPPname="`echo -n "$ONEAPP" | cut -f 1 -d '='`" #ex: seamonkey
- ONEAPPvalue="`echo -n "$ONEAPP" | cut -f 2 -d '='`" #ex: true
- ONEAPPspec="`find ${PREFIXDIR}/bin ${PREFIXDIR}/sbin ${PREFIXDIR}/usr/bin ${PREFIXDIR}/usr/sbin ${PREFIXDIR}/usr/local/bin -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name ${ONEAPPname} | head -n 1`"
- if [ ! "$ONEAPPspec" ];then
- #executable does not exist, so remove from list, if there...
- sed -i -e "/^${ONEAPPname}=/d" ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status
- continue
- fi
- ONEAPPpath="$(dirname "$ONEAPPspec")"
- case $ONEAPPname in
- seamonkey) ${ONEAPPname}_${ONEAPPvalue} ;;
- QtWeb) ${ONEAPPname}_${ONEAPPvalue} ;; #130720
- opera) ${ONEAPPname}_${ONEAPPvalue} ;; #130723
- *) generic_func ;;
- esac
- if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- sed -i -e "/^${ONEAPPname}=/d" ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status #remove.
- continue
- fi
- #record choice, for future runs of Login&Security Manager...
- if [ "$(grep "^${ONEAPPname}=" ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status)" != "" ];then
- rsPTN="s%^${ONEAPPname}=.*%${ONEAPPname}=${ONEAPPvalue}%"
- sed -i -e "$rsPTN" ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status
- else
- echo "${ONEAPPname}=${ONEAPPvalue}" >> ${PREFIXDIR}/root/.spot-status
- fi
- done
- chown -R spot:spot ${PREFIXDIR}/root/spot
- ###END###