123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112 |
- #!/bin/ash
- #(c) Copyright 2013 Barry Kauler bkhome.org
- #2013 Licence GPL3 (/usr/share/doc/legal).
- #this is startup code, called from /usr/local/pup_event/pup_event_frontend_d
- # (which in turn is called from /root/.xinitrd when X starts).
- #the code in this script was extracted from the retired script /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d.
- #130609 first version.
- #130807 L18L: gettext declaration moved to frontend_funcs.
- #export TEXTDOMAIN=pup_event_frontend_d
- #. gettext.sh
- OLDLANG=$LANG #100613
- export LANG=C #w004
- sleep 3 #1 #let the dust settle after X has started. 120718 reduce 2 to 1. 121105 try 2, see also /usr/sbin/delayedrun. 121212
- #w471 slow cpus need more delay (well, rox does)...
- CPUMHZ=`grep -m 1 -i '^cpu MHz' /proc/cpuinfo | tr -d ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ':' | cut -f 1 -d '.'` #my laptop: 933.000
- if [ $CPUMHZ ];then
- [ $CPUMHZ -gt 100 ] && DELAYFACTOR=$((1600 / $CPUMHZ)) #120829 L18L: need 1 sec for my 1514 MHZ CPU. #`expr 1100 \/ $CPUMHZ`
- else #120718 raspi: 697.95 my laptop: 4789.47
- BOGOMIPS=`grep -m 1 -i '^bogomips' /proc/cpuinfo | tr -d ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ':' | cut -f 1 -d '.'`
- [ $BOGOMIPS ] && [ $BOGOMIPS -gt 200 ] && DELAYFACTOR=`expr 2100 \/ $BOGOMIPS`
- fi
- [ $DELAYFACTOR -gt 0 ] && sleep $DELAYFACTOR
- [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ] && exit 1 #X not running.
- #v404 /usr/sbin/video-wizard (Xvesa) does create /var/local/pup_event_icon_change_flag (120213 changed path from /tmp)
- #which /sbin/clean_desk_icons reads via .xinirc when X starts, to wipe all drive icons.
- #however I think it would be good to test here also if X mode not yet settled on...
- if [ -f /tmp/videomode ];then #only exists during X resolution setup.
- if [ "`readlink /usr/bin/X`" = "Xvesa" ];then
- while [ -f /tmp/videomode ];do
- sleep 1
- done
- fi
- fi
- echo -n "" > /tmp/pup_event_frontend_d_curpos.log #see frontend_timeout
- ZDRV='';ZDRVINIT='no' #these usually set in PUPSTATE.
- . /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE
- PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin"
- #KERNVER="`uname -r`"
- . /etc/rc.d/functions4puppy4
- . /usr/local/pup_event/frontend_funcs
- SCRNXY="`xwininfo -root | grep -o '\-geometry .*' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d '+'`"
- SCRN_X="`echo -n "$SCRNXY" | cut -f 1 -d 'x'`"
- SCRN_Y="`echo -n "$SCRNXY" | cut -f 2 -d 'x'`"
- echo -n "$SCRN_X" > /tmp/pup_event_frontend_scrn_x #read by frontend_change.
- echo -n "$SCRN_Y" > /tmp/pup_event_frontend_scrn_y #read by frontend_change.
- #RETVALm=1
- ######################################################################
- #stuff to setup at entry...
- mkdir -p /root/.pup_event
- #build the desktop icons...
- DRV_CATEGORY='drive'
- PROBEDISK="`probedisk`"
- echo "$PROBEDISK" > /tmp/pup_event_probedisk_startup #130610 read by frontend_timeout.
- #v407 ls120/zip floppy drives are probed every 4 secs...
- DRVS_FLOPPY="`echo "$PROBEDISK" | grep '|floppy|' | cut -f 1 -d '|' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
- echo "$DRVS_FLOPPY" > /tmp/pup_event_drvs_floppy #also written by frontend_change, read by frontend_timeout.
- #v407 same thing for all optical drives...
- DRVS_OPTICAL="`echo "$PROBEDISK" | grep '|optical|' | cut -f 1 -d '|' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
- echo "$DRVS_OPTICAL" > /tmp/pup_event_drvs_optical #130610 also written by frontend_change, read by frontend_timeout.
- if [ "$ICONDESK" = "false" ];then
- #only show a single 'drives' icon on desktop...
- DRV_NAME='drives'
- DRV_CATEGORY='any' #see pmount.
- DRV_DESCRIPTION="all drives"
- create_icon_func #needs DRV_NAME, DRV_CATEGORY, DRV_DESCRIPTION.
- else
- #show all drives on desktop... w476 add ext4... 130216 add f2fs...
- PROBEPART="`probepart -k | grep -E '\|f2fs\||\|ext4\||\|ntfs\||\|msdos\||\|vfat\||\|ext2\||\|ext3\||\|iso9660\||\|udf\||\|audiocd\||\|xfs\||\|reiser'`"
- if [ "$FD0ICON" = "true" ];then #see /etc/eventmanager
- if [ -e /sys/block/fd0 ];then
- PROBEDISK="/dev/fd0|floppy|Legacy floppy drive
- PROBEPART="/dev/fd0|vfat|1440
- fi
- fi
- for ONEDRV in `echo "$PROBEDISK" | cut -f 1,2,3 -d '|' | tr ' ' '_' | tr '\n' ' '`
- do
- DRV_NAME="`echo -n "$ONEDRV" | cut -f 1 -d '|' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
- DRV_CATEGORY="`echo -n "$ONEDRV" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
- DRV_DESCRIPTION="`echo -n "$ONEDRV" | cut -f 3 -d '|' | tr '_' ' '`"
- [ "`echo "$PROBEPART" | grep "$DRV_NAME"`" = "" ] && continue #precaution (such as CD not inserted).
- create_icon_func startup #needs DRV_NAME, DRV_CATEGORY, DRV_DESCRIPTION, PROBEPART.
- done
- fi
- if [ "$BACKENDON" = "false" ];then #see /etc/eventmanager.
- killall udevd
- exit 2
- fi
- [ "$HOTPLUGON" = "false" ] && exit 3 #turn off all frontend hotplug support. see /etc/eventmanager.
- exit 0
- ###END###