# Edit this file for your preferences, it will be read by build.sh # SEE http://www.kernel.org/ for latest kernel info # this is the name of the pet package suffix, and source sfs # name it whatever you like, usually put in a signifier for your distro # eg: "s" is for slacko package_name_suffix=my_build # this is the kernel suffix hack, you can leave it empty # "uname -r" will show the suffix too. It patches the Makefile # if you don't leave empty the leading "dash" is required #custom_suffix=-rt #example custom_suffix= # this is the version of the vanilla kernel, usually latest is best # or follow an LTS branch # THIS WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY NEED CHANGING # see kernel.org kernel_version="3.8.5" # below is a list of kernel mirrors # uncomment the closest one to you # make sure only one is uncommented! # you can search for more mirrors and use them # YOU CAN UNCOMMENT 1 BELOW, COMMENT UNCOMMENTED DEFAULT IF YOU DO # only 1 mirror is allowed kernel_mirror="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/" #kernel_mirror="http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ftp.kernel.org/linux/kernel/v3.0/"