.rxvt.menu 786 B

  1. [menu:RxvtMenu]
  2. [title:Puppy Rxvt Menu]
  3. /Run/{Beaver} beaver & \n
  4. /Run/{Leafpad} leafpad &\n
  5. /Run/{Abiword} abiword & \n
  6. {-}
  7. /Run/{Firefox} firefox & > /dev/null \n
  8. {-}
  9. /Run/{Exit} exit \n
  10. /Help/{Copy} xmessage -title "To Copy" "Mark the text with the mouse"\n
  11. /Help/{Paste} xmessage -title "To Paste" "Press the middle mouse button (wheel)"\n
  12. {-}
  13. /Help/{Puppy Help} "dillo" /usr/share/doc/index.html > /dev/null \n
  14. {-}
  15. /Help/More Help/{Pudd} "dillo" /usr/share/doc/Pudd.htm > /dev/null \n
  16. /Help/More Help/{Xli} "dillo" /usr/share/doc/xli.htm > /dev/null \n
  17. /Help/More Help/Rxvt/{Overview} "dillo" /usr/share/doc/rxvt/rxvt.html > /dev/null \n
  18. /Help/More Help/Rxvt/{Reference} "dillo" /usr/share/doc/rxvt/rxvtRef-toc.html > /dev/null \n
  19. /Close/{Close This Window} exit \n
  20. [show]
  21. [done]