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- 14 June 2012
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- I downloaded an image for the Raspberry Pi. It was compiled in Gentoo and the
- compressed image was 2GB, needing a 8GB SD card.
- It ran well on the RasPi and I was able to compile many packages, for the purpose
- of creating the 'common' PETs required for all puppies.
- I decided to extract all of the packages in the Gentoo image, and convert them
- to PETs. The packages are extracted from the SD card by 'createpkgs', about
- 440 of them.
- The script 'createpets' converts the extracted binary packages to PET packages.
- These scripts are not run inside the Woof working directory, set them up somewhere
- else. Read the scripts for further info.
- Regards,
- Barry Kauler
- 15 June 2012
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- Forget about 'createpets', the conversion is not really good enough.
- Anyway, I think it better to keep the Gentoo bin packages as foreign "compat distro"
- packages, not convert them to PETs -- keeps everything conceptually cleaner.
- Therefore, after running 'createpkgs', I then ran 'createtbz' which simply makes
- the pkgs into .tar.bz2 files and creates a db entry.
- The default settings are the tarballs are created in directory 'packages-gentoo-gap6'
- and the db file is 'Packages-gentoo-gap6-official'.
- The directory can be copied to where Woof can access it, normally in local-repositories/arm/
- The db file can be copied to woof2/woof-distro/arm/