patch-_xlaunch__launch_menu 567 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-_xlaunch__launch_menu,v 2000/12/31 12:54:27 reinhard Exp $
  2. --- .xlaunch/ Fri Nov 10 09:19:22 2000
  3. +++ .xlaunch/ Sun Dec 31 12:19:10 2000
  4. @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  5. # "Key name" : pixmap_name : execute string
  6. #Attension Key name must be in "" but other names without it.
  7. #Key name or pixmap_name may be empty but ':' must be otherwise.
  8. -: kill.gif : /usr/X11/bin/xkill
  9. +: kill.gif : /usr/X11R6/bin/xkill
  10. : term.gif: xterm -ls -sb -fn 10x20 -title "XTerminal"
  11. : ives.gif : /usr/local/bin/ives
  12. "XNC" :: /usr/local/bin/xnc