patch-gcc_ada_s-osprim-posix_adb 863 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-gcc_ada_s-osprim-posix_adb,v 2014/06/26 16:30:18 pascal Exp $
  2. --- gcc/ada/s-osprim-posix.adb.orig Mon Jan 20 02:55:58 2014
  3. +++ gcc/ada/s-osprim-posix.adb Mon Jan 20 02:56:39 2014
  4. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ package body System.OS_Primitives is
  5. -- these declarations in System.OS_Interface and move these ones in
  6. -- the spec.
  7. - type time_t is new Long_Integer;
  8. + type time_t is new Long_Long_Integer;
  9. type timespec is record
  10. tv_sec : time_t;
  11. @@ -54,7 +54,11 @@ package body System.OS_Primitives is
  12. -----------
  13. function Clock return Duration is
  14. - type timeval is array (1 .. 2) of Long_Integer;
  15. + type timeval is
  16. + record
  17. + tv_sec : time_t;
  18. + tv_usec : Long_Integer;
  19. + end record;
  20. procedure timeval_to_duration
  21. (T : not null access timeval;