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- $OpenBSD: patch-gcc_ada_osint_adb,v 1.1 2015/02/17 12:04:44 tobiasu Exp $
- GNAT tools try to guess the name of the gcc binary by looking at their
- own prefix and suffix. Subsequently they're trying to compile code using
- the base gcc if argv[0] does't start with "e".
- This hack to their name-guessing hack fixes the problem while touching the
- least amount of files.
- --- gcc/ada/osint.adb.orig Tue Feb 25 16:02:01 2014
- +++ gcc/ada/osint.adb Sat Feb 14 18:33:49 2015
- @@ -2272,6 +2272,13 @@ package body Osint is
- Start_Of_Suffix := End_Of_Prefix + Prog'Length + 1;
- end if;
- + if Nam = "gcc" and then
- + Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Prefix .. End_Of_Prefix) = "" and then
- + Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Suffix .. Name_Len) = ""
- + then
- + return new String'("egcc");
- + end if;
- +
- -- Create the new program name
- return new String'