patch-src_lispbibl_d 941 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-src_lispbibl_d,v 1.7 2017/04/27 21:42:24 espie Exp $
  2. --- src/lispbibl.d.orig 2013-06-17 14:15:17.000000000 +0000
  3. +++ src/lispbibl.d
  4. @@ -9090,6 +9090,15 @@ All other long words on the LISP-Stack a
  5. #define setSP(adresse) \
  6. ({ __asm__ __volatile__ ("movel %0,"REGISTER_PREFIX"sp" : : "g" ((aint)(adresse)) : "sp" ); })
  7. #define FAST_SP
  8. +#elif defined(__clang__) && defined(__x86_64__)
  9. + /* Access to a register-"variable" %rsp */
  10. + #define SP() \
  11. + ({var aint __SP; \
  12. + __asm__ __volatile__ ("movq %%rsp,%0" : "=g" (__SP) : ); \
  13. + __SP; \
  14. + })
  15. + #define setSP(adresse) \
  16. + ({ __asm__ __volatile__ ("movq %0,%%rsp" : : "g" ((aint)(adresse)) : "sp" ); })
  17. #elif (defined(GNU) || defined(INTEL)) && defined(I80386) && !defined(NO_ASM)
  18. /* Access to a register-"variable" %esp */
  19. #define SP() \