Makefile 575 B

  1. # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.29 2017/05/10 23:34:25 espie Exp $
  2. COMMENT= Pac-man-like game under X11
  3. DISTNAME= xchomp-pl1
  4. PKGNAME= xchomp-0
  5. REVISION = 5
  6. CATEGORIES= games
  8. # License: NONE
  9. PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= no license
  10. PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= no license
  11. PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= no license
  12. WANTLIB= X11 Xau Xdmcp Xext c m pthread-stubs xcb
  13. WRKDIST= ${WRKDIR}/xchomp
  14. CONFIGURE_STYLE=imake noman
  15. # Change -DFRAME_DELAY=40000 in patchfile/Imakefile value to adjust
  16. # speed of play depending on X server.
  17. NO_TEST= Yes
  18. .include <>