patch-bootstrap_boot_lua 580 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-bootstrap_boot_lua,v 2016/12/28 18:34:57 awolk Exp $
  2. --- bootstrap/boot.lua.orig Tue Nov 29 16:40:45 2016
  3. +++ bootstrap/boot.lua Tue Nov 29 16:40:50 2016
  4. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if __SELFEXE then
  5. if not __APPLE__ then
  6. -- Now remove executable name
  7. - dir = dir:gsub("(.*"..fs.getPathSeparator()..").+", "%1")
  8. + --dir = dir:gsub("(.*"..fs.getPathSeparator()..").+", "%1")
  9. else
  10. -- This is a little un-OSX like: we grab our data from the folder containing
  11. -- It is a bit strange but way way better for people to install addons and such