1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- $OpenBSD: patch-config_main_fte,v 1.1 2011/01/16 19:58:18 naddy Exp $
- --- config/main.fte.orig Sun Jan 18 17:31:40 2009
- +++ config/main.fte Mon Jan 19 08:41:36 2009
- @@ -117,9 +117,15 @@ object GLOBAL {
- # WindowFont = "8x13";
- # WindowFont = "9x15";
- WindowFont = "9x15";
- -%if(UI_KB)
- - WindowFont = "*-fixed-bold-*-15*,*-fixed-bold-*-16*";
- -%endif
- +
- +# Terminus font example:
- +# WindowFont = "*-terminus-medium-*-14*";
- +# JMK font examples:
- +# WindowFont = "*-neep-medium-*-15*";
- +# WindowFont = "*-neep alt-medium-*-15*";
- +# Misc bold font example:
- +# WindowFont = "*-fixed-bold-*-15*,*-fixed-bold-*-16*";
- +
- # We need some font, which can be 'LOCALIZED' - and this can't be done
- # with font names like 9x15 (actually we can, but this would need
- # highly skilled users :))