patch-libiberty_functions_def 2.3 KB

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-libiberty_functions_def,v 1.3 2017/04/19 15:08:11 jca Exp $
  2. --- libiberty/functions.def.orig Thu Nov 5 20:54:15 1998
  3. +++ libiberty/functions.def Wed Apr 19 16:16:19 2017
  4. @@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ DEF(memcpy, PTR, (s1, s2, length), PTR s1 AND CONST PT
  5. DEF(memmove, PTR, (s1, s2, length), PTR s1 AND CONST PTR s2 AND size_t length)
  6. DEF(memset, PTR, (s, val, length), PTR s AND int val AND size_t length )
  7. DEF(random, long int, (), NOTHING)
  8. -DEF(rename, int, (f, t), char *f AND char *t)
  9. +DEF(rename, int, (f, t), CONST char *f AND CONST char *t)
  10. DEF(rindex, char*, (s, c), char *s AND int c)
  11. DEF(strcasecmp, int, (s1, s2), char *s1 AND char *s2)
  12. DEF(strncasecmp, int, (s1, s2, n), char *s1 AND char *s2 AND int n)
  13. DEF(strchr, char*, (s, c), CONST char *s AND int c)
  14. DEF(strdup, char*, (s1), char * s1)
  15. DEF(strrchr, char*, (s, c), CONST char *s AND int c)
  16. -DEF(strstr, char*, (), NOTHING)
  17. +DEF(strstr, char*, (s1, s2), CONST char *s1 AND CONST char *s2)
  18. DEF(strtod, double, (), NOTHING)
  19. DEF(strtol, long, (), NOTHING)
  20. DEF(strtoul, unsigned long, (), NOTHING)
  21. DEF(tmpnam, char *, (s), char * s)
  22. DEF(vfork, int, (), NOTHING)
  23. -DEF(vfprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
  24. -DEF(vprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
  25. -DEF(vsprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
  26. +DEF(vfprintf, int, (f, fmt, ap), FILE *f AND CONST char *fmt AND va_list ap)
  27. +DEF(vprintf, int, (fmt, ap), CONST char *fmt AND va_list ap)
  28. +DEF(vsprintf, int, (s, fmt, ap), char *s AND CONST char *fmt AND va_list ap)
  29. DEF(sigsetmask, int, (), NOTHING)
  30. DEF(alloca, PTR, (size), size_t size)
  31. DEF(waitpid, int, (pid, statp, opts), int pid AND int* statp AND int opts )
  32. -DEF(vasprintf, int, (), NOTHING)
  33. +DEF(vasprintf, int, (p, fmt, ap), char **p AND CONST char *fmt AND va_list ap)
  34. /* List of global variables that we want to look for in the host
  35. environment, and to generate an entry NEED_<variable> in config.h
  36. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ DEFVAR(sys_siglist, char *sys_siglist[], sys_siglist[0
  37. environment, and to generate an entry NEED_<funcname> in config.h
  38. if they are not found. */
  39. -DEFFUNC(strerror, char*, (), NOTHING)
  40. +DEFFUNC(strerror, char*, (err), int err)
  41. DEFFUNC(psignal, void, (signo, message), unsigned signo AND char *message)
  42. DEFFUNC(basename, char *, (name), CONST char *name)
  43. DEFFUNC(on_exit, void, (f, arg), void (*f)() AND char *arg)