patch-bin_trans_h 382 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-bin_trans_h,v 1.1 2005/09/05 13:48:52 espie Exp $
  2. --- bin/trans.h.orig Sun Jul 27 01:20:00 1997
  3. +++ bin/trans.h Mon Sep 5 15:40:06 2005
  4. @@ -81,7 +81,9 @@
  5. /*
  6. if you want to use non-ANSI utime (), uncomment the following line
  7. */
  8. -/* #define USE_UTIMBUF */
  9. +#ifdef __OpenBSD__
  10. +#define USE_UTIMBUF
  11. +#endif
  12. /*
  13. if your compiler doesn't define utimbuf, ...