patch-etc_faxsetup_sh_in 1.6 KB

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-etc_faxsetup_sh_in,v 1.3 2012/07/19 15:05:30 giovanni Exp $
  2. --- etc/ Wed Jun 6 02:58:38 2012
  3. +++ etc/ Mon Jul 9 15:06:31 2012
  4. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc
  5. test -d /usr/ucb && PATH=$PATH:/usr/ucb # Sun and others
  6. test -d /usr/bsd && PATH=$PATH:/usr/bsd # Silicon Graphics
  7. test -d /usr/5bin && PATH=/usr/5bin:$PATH:/usr/etc # Sun and others
  8. -test -d /usr/sbin && PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH # 4.4BSD-derived
  9. +test -d /sbin && PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH # 4.4BSD-derived
  10. test -d /usr/local/bin && PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin # for GNU tools
  11. AWK=@AWK@ # awk for use below
  12. @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ UUENCODE="@UUENCODE@" # uuencode command to dump in s
  13. FAX=@FAXUID@ # identity of the fax user
  14. SERVICES=/etc/services # location of services database
  15. -INETDCONF=/usr/etc/inetd.conf # default location of inetd configuration file
  16. -ALIASES=/usr/lib/aliases # default location of mail aliases database file
  17. +INETDCONF=/etc/inetd.conf # default location of inetd configuration file
  18. +ALIASES=/etc/mail/aliases # default location of mail aliases database file
  19. PASSWD=/etc/passwd # where to go for password entries
  20. PROTOUID=@FAXUID@ # user who's uid we use for FAX user
  21. defPROTOUID=3 # use this uid if PROTOUID doesn't exist
  22. @@ -2426,12 +2426,7 @@ if onServer; then
  23. findproc()
  24. {
  25. - # NB: ps ax should give an error on System V, so we try it first!
  26. - pid="`ps ax 2>/dev/null | $AWK \"\
  27. - /[\/ (]$1[ )]/ {print \\$1;}
  28. - /[\/ ]$1\$/ {print \\$1;}\"`"
  29. - test "$pid" ||
  30. - pid="`ps -e 2>/dev/null | $AWK \"/ $1[ ]*\$/ {print \\$1;}\"`"
  31. + pid="`/usr/bin/pgrep $1`"
  32. echo "$pid"
  33. }