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- $OpenBSD: patch-par1repairer_cpp,v 1.3 2016/06/13 17:32:27 semarie Exp $
- pledge:
- 'par2 repair' with par1 files - stdio rpath cpath
- once the target files have been opened for writing, wpath is no
- longer required, cpath must be kept to delete partial files in
- case of an error
- --- par1repairer.cpp.orig Wed Jun 8 23:41:11 2016
- +++ par1repairer.cpp Wed Jun 8 23:42:01 2016
- @@ -157,6 +157,14 @@ Result Par1Repairer::Process(const CommandLine &comman
- if (!CreateTargetFiles())
- return eFileIOError;
- +#ifdef HAVE_PLEDGE
- + if (pledge("stdio rpath cpath", NULL) == -1)
- + {
- + cerr << "pledge failed" << endl;
- + return eLogicError;
- + }
- +#endif
- +
- // Work out which data blocks are available, which need to be recreated,
- // and compute the appropriate Reed Solomon matrix.
- if (!ComputeRSmatrix())