patch-config_settings_yml_example 561 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-config_settings_yml_example,v 1.1 2013/04/18 07:41:44 jasper Exp $
  2. Make the refresh rates of the application and radiator views configurable.
  3. --- config/settings.yml.example.orig Thu Apr 18 08:57:52 2013
  4. +++ config/settings.yml.example Thu Apr 18 08:57:56 2013
  5. @@ -86,4 +86,8 @@ classes_per_page: 50
  6. groups_per_page: 50
  7. reports_per_page: 20
  8. +# Refresh rate in seconds for the radiator and application views
  9. +radiator_refresh_rate: 60
  10. +application_refresh_rate: 5
  11. +
  12. #===[ fin ]=============================================================