patch-perl_FCGI_PL 942 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-perl_FCGI_PL,v 1.2 2011/03/28 23:04:42 simon Exp $
  2. --- perl/FCGI.PL.orig Sun Dec 15 21:02:48 2002
  3. +++ perl/FCGI.PL Wed Mar 9 13:41:41 2011
  4. @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ sub Request(;***$*$) {
  5. sub accept() {
  6. warn "accept called as a method; you probably wanted to call Accept" if @_;
  7. - if (defined %FCGI::ENV) {
  8. + if (%FCGI::ENV) {
  9. %ENV = %FCGI::ENV;
  10. } else {
  11. %FCGI::ENV = %ENV;
  12. @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ sub accept() {
  13. sub finish() {
  14. warn "finish called as a method; you probably wanted to call Finish" if @_;
  15. - %ENV = %FCGI::ENV if (defined %FCGI::ENV);
  16. + %ENV = %FCGI::ENV if (%FCGI::ENV);
  17. # not SFIO
  18. if (tied (*STDIN)) {
  19. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ sub OPEN {
  20. # Apparently some use fileno to determine if a filehandle is open,
  21. # so we might want to return a defined, but meaningless value.
  22. # An alternative would be to return the fcgi stream fd.
  23. -# sub FILENO { -2 }
  24. +sub FILENO { -2 }
  25. 1;