1. The Python keyring lib provides a easy way to access the system keyring
  2. service from python. It can be used in any application that needs safe
  3. password storage.
  4. Supported keyring services:
  5. **OSXKeychain**: supports the Keychain service in Mac OS X.
  6. **KDEKWallet**: supports the KDE's Kwallet service.
  7. **GnomeKeyring**: for Gnome 2 environment.
  8. **SecretServiceKeyring**: for newer GNOME and KDE environments.
  9. **WinVaultKeyring**: supports the Windows Credential Vault.
  10. Built-in keyrings:
  11. **Win32CryptoKeyring**: for Windows 2k+.
  12. **CryptedFileKeyring**: a command line interface keyring base on PyCrypto.
  13. **UncryptedFileKeyring**: a keyring which leaves passwords directly in file.