patch-rocdigs_impl_dcc232_c 546 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-rocdigs_impl_dcc232_c,v 1.1 2017/05/07 23:57:16 espie Exp $
  2. Index: rocdigs/impl/dcc232.c
  3. --- rocdigs/impl/dcc232.c.orig
  4. +++ rocdigs/impl/dcc232.c
  5. @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static int __getcvbyte(iODCC232 inst, int cv) {
  6. /* no special error handling, it's job of the clients */
  7. if (cv<0 || cv>1024) {
  8. TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "PT: CV[%d] out of range", cv);
  9. - return;
  10. + return 0;
  11. }
  12. TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_MONITOR, __LINE__, 9999, "PT: enable booster output");