version_info 795 B

  1. addon_id="zombie-navigator"
  2. # Canonical version of the addon (may be converted into different formats on build)
  3. addon_version="0.6.0~a2"
  4. # Alpha versions (may not be feature complete): x.y.z~a1, x.y.z~a2, ...
  5. # Beta versions (feature-frozen): x.y.z~b1, x.y.z~b2, ...
  6. # 1.1.0 > 1.0.1 > 1.0.1~b1 > 1.0.1~a2 > 1.0.1~a1 > 1.0.0
  7. # 'alpha', 'beta', or 'stable'
  8. addon_release_phase="alpha"
  9. addon_name="Zombie Navigator"
  10. addon_author="Zombie Navigator Developers"
  11. addon_description="Web automation made easy! Automate any Web workflow simply with Firefox! It's kind of SlimerJS as a Firefox addon. Compatible, lightweight and unintrusive!"
  12. addon_website_uri=""
  13. addon_support_address=""
  14. # Enable e10s
  15. addon_multiprocess=1
  16. # vim: ts=4 noet ai ft=sh