- Develop a postprocessor for
-built packages (PKZIP-based)
- In what language?
- Optimization and reproducibility "fixes"
- With Google's Zopfli
- Bundle Zopfli and postprocessor for bit-to-bit reproducible builds
- Try not to bloat the codebase
- Unified policy manager for scripts
- Create a "Running Scripts" page?
- Make sure the API is always reliable
- Develop a complete testsuite
- Per-script user controls??
- 0.6: Remove JSDoc
- We need a minimalistic approach to this (generated docs)
- Write a script to generate the documentation to embed in the package
- 0.6: Implement a generic downloader (No interaction permitted: just downloading to the default directory, unlike XHR) (only possible with non-SDK
- The functionalities of
should be made available in SDK, really. Not because they want no more "downloaders" in AMO?
- Reset preferences on uninstall (so that the next installation will be "fresh")?
- Use NodeJS for build scripts? (but remember we hate
and semver.org
- Find any problems related to e10s (should be fixed by SDK team)
- Research: more sophisticated management of scripted browser session/tabs
- Bind each script to the respective status window
- Open a window before runnning script based on the policy
- Close the window -> terminate the script
- Zombie Navigator Studio -- A graphical frontend and script collection manager for Zombie Navigator
- Develop GUI-oriented features in this project instead
- Addon: No dependencies outside Firefox
- Try to be as pure-SDK as feasible
- No new features in Beta or Stable (branched out)
- Make it unlikely to break in future Firefox
- Tiny code base and minimum-sized build
- Feel free to use ES6 as implemented in Firefox 38+ (let/const are OK but be careful)
- Use only High-Level SDKs for web contents
- Use wrappers for SDK access (
Addon SDK Abstraction Wrapper
in platform/
- Avoid duplicate codes and increase maintenability to produce more secure codes
- Make it easier to port the addon to possible future platforms
- Restrict what the addon code can do with the SDK
- Isolate codes to make it substantially harder to exploit the addon
- Clarify the privileges of each module
- Plain SDK access should be forbidden throughout the addon (except wrappers)
- Localization is of a low priority
- This addon is of the kind where backword/forward compatibility matters
- Stable API
- Support the latest ESR release and later (normal) release versions
- No breaks in Beta
- Fix problems in Nightly and Aurora
- Support the previous ESR release until becoming obsolete
- Support GNU/Linux i386 and x86_64
- Support Debian Iceweasel (stable)
- Support GNU Icecat
- Try to fix issues with other distribution packages
- Accommodate customized Firefox-based products
- No support planned for Fennec
- No official support for Microsoft Windows (may work)
- No official support for Apple OS/X (may work)
- Will NOT support the coming "Firefox for iOS," which is not much of Firefox
- Try to support FreeBSD's Linux emulation
- May support GNU/Hurd once it becomes possible in the future
- Now e10s seems to work (depends on SDK's reliable e10s support)
- No action unless told to do something
- No visible UI outside
if not requested
- No network access by default (required resources are all packed into the addon package)
- Zombie scripts cannot control the whole browser
- Zombie scripts have no direct access to local file system
- Zombie scripts can only control or otherwise access the tabs they opened
- Zombie scripts cannot save persistent data to the browser (beside history, which is handled by user or Private Browsing)
- Thus no chrome access is allowed for Zombie scripts
- Also no unrestricted or raw access to Addon SDK
- Security may partially break if the user messes up the automated browser manually
- Care about consistency of coding styles
- UTF-8 as the preferred text encoding whenever possible (ASCII is a UTF-8 subset)
- Indentations use a single tab (U+0009) and each represents 4 spaces (Space matters)
We named this program "Zombie Navigator" because it effectively turns
Firefox into an automated "zombie" web browser. "Zombie scripts", which
run inside a secure sandbox navigate Firefox!
The icon says "Web Browser" in Arabic. Just that. Maybe too simple. But we
do not invest much in visual design.
Firefox is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. The term
"Firefox" in this product, however, may also mean rebranded products
derived from the official Firefox.